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The boardwalk was as busy as ever. Children were screaming and begging their parents to let them go on just one more ride. The neon lights lit up the surroundings beautifully.

Me and the boys were hanging out near their bikes whilst we waited for Michael. I was sat on David's bike with Paul and Marko stood next to me. David and Dwayne were busy looking out for Michael in the surrounding area.

Marko started playing with my hair again whilst we chatted about random stuff. Suddenly Paul walked off and went down a shady looking alley way.

"Where's he going?" I questioned.

"Probably to buy weed. Well to steal it." He chuckled whilst rolling his eyes. I laughed at his response.

"I'm glad I met you guys." I said with a smile.

"Yeh me too." He said with a strange tone in his voice almost sounding guilty. He stopped playing with my hair and sat on the bike next to me. He just looked at his feet. Paul came running back over to us with a bag of weed.

"Want one?" He said gesturing to the pre-rolled joint.

"Umm." I hesitated.

"You don't have to if u don't want to." He added with a smile.

"You know what I will. You only live once!" I replied cheerfully. I grabbed the joint out his hand.

"You got a lighter?"

*Michael's POV*

I hurried around the boardwalk hoping to find my sister with those stupid boys. How could I have been so stupid to let her hang out with us?

Suddenly I spotted David and Dwayne. I practically ran towards them.

"Where's Ashley? Where's my sister?" I growled at David whilst pushing him in the chest.

"She's right there. Calm down Michael." He said. He hissed as he said my name but I ignored it; I was too bothered about seeing my sister. He moved to one side and revealed my sister.

She was sat on David's bike with Marko. Paul was lighting a joint for her. She inhaled the drug easily like she had done it a thousand times. I knew she got into a rough crowd a few years ago but I didn't realise she was on drugs the entire time.

I started to walk towards her. Eventually she spotted me and started coughing as she took another drag.

"M..Michael." She said whilst choking over her words. She quickly handed the joint to Marko. He then took a drag of the joint.

She ran up to me and pulled me into a long embrace. I pulled away from her ready to have a go at her. She had Mom and Sam worried sick.

"Where have you been?" I asked sternly.

"With the boys." She stated as she looked around to them. She had a big smile on her face. It was obvious the weed was having an effect on her already.

"Mom was worried sick. We thought you were hurt!" I shouted. Her smile dropped. I hadn't realised that Marko and Paul were now stood behind her.

"Leave her alone Michael." Said a voice from behind me. It was David. I turned to face him. Dwayne was stood firmly with his arms crossed against his bare chest.

"She had a rough night you're lucky that we found her." He stated.

"What?" I asked puzzled by his statement.

"It's been dealt with." He said mysteriously. I could hear sniffles behind me. I turned to see Ashley crying in Marko and Paul's arms. I couldn't be bothered with her emotional shit right now.

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