Silly Little Crush

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*The Next Night*

Marko and I had plenty of time to recover from our injuries. One of the perks of being a vampire meant I healed fairly quickly. My burns were now like sunburn, which still isn't pleasant but a lot better than it was. Marko was left with a nasty cut on his stomach. He said that he was okay but I could tell that he was in pain.

Dwayne and Paul had explained to me that because we were all turned by David's blood that we could feel each others pain to a certain extent. I guess it was pretty cool to know if one of us is in danger but it  is also pretty inconvenient.

"We should kill that bastard and his brother!" Growled David from the main part of the cave.

"We can't! Max would kill us." Snapped Dwayne.

Max? Who's Max? Do they mean video store Max? I had never heard Dwayne be so angry. I mean I had never heard him say anything in any emotion but I could tell this was serious. This guy must be pretty threatening for the lost boys to be afraid.

"But what he did to her is inexcusable!" David snapped back.

"Maybe we can convince Max that Michael would never willingly turn." Suggested Paul.

"It would never work." Replied Dwayne glumly.

"Max is to proud to back down." Hissed David.

"Looks let's just let Marko and Ashley rest for tonight and we we'll decide what to do tomorrow." Explained Paul calmly.

*Sam's POV*

The sun had just set and darkness started to fill our surroundings. I wasn't prepared for a big battle especially if my sister was on the opposing team. Edgar and Allen kept trying to convince that she can't be saved but maybe she's right. She said she only kills people who deserve it. Surely the world is better of without them anyway.

Michael was pacing the main room and mumbling to himself. The little boy vampire had his hands round the girl vampire. We hadn't exactly met properly so I was unsure if their names. Edgar and Allen were sat in silence as if they were trying to sense the vampires. I'm starting to think that these guys are just crazy, not about the vampires but just crazy.

An hour passed and no vampires came for us. We all sat in confusion.

"Maybe they retreated cause you know we are pretty scary. Huh Michael?" I asked trying to lighten the mood.

"They didn't retreat Sam." Replied Michael.

"Why not they could have." I explained.

"I know they didn't retreat." He replied quietly. He looked down at his feet as if he were ashamed of something.

"How do you know Mike?" I asked sternly as I crossed my arms. I tried to act confident like Edgar but it didn't really work.

"I just do Sam! Drop it!" He snapped.

"Michael! How do you know!?" I shouted at him.

"Because I hurt Ash!" He shouted back. I could see the pain in his eyes.

"What do you mean you hurt Ashley?!" I snapped back at him.

"I-I-I pulled her outside." He stammered. He looked as if he was about to cry.

"Okay that's not bad." I brushed off his words not realising what he meant.

"During the day Sam." He mumbled through tears.

I was frozen in shock. I couldn't move I just stared at him. My brain was trying to process what he had said and what it would mean for my sister. Anger started to rise up in my body. How could he hurt her? She's our sister!

I ran up to him and pushed his chest as hard as I possibly could. He surprisingly fell to the floor. I'm guessing his emotional state was making his stance unstable or something. He looked up at me in shock at my actions.

"How could you Mike?" I shouted at him. He just looked at with an ashamed expression.

"She's our sister!" I screamed at him.

"No she's not!" He snapped. He lifted himself up without looking at me once. He just stood there for a few seconds.

"Not anymore." He mumbled.

"How can you say that Mike? She looks the same, she has the same personality, she smells the same. Maybe she drinks some blood occasionally but so what." I tried reasoning with him.

"Yeh and how does she get that blood Sam!" He snapped in response. I could see Star and Laddie flinch when the word blood was used.

"She only hurts bad people!" I shouted back.

"How would you know that? Did you talk to her? When?" He said as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me towards him.

"When we got Star and Laddie I found her room." I explained shakily. I had no idea why Michael was acting this way.

*Michael's POV*

His words shook my entire body. What if he finds out what I did? What if he finds out it's all my fault? I should've tried harder to convince her to not hang out with them but I was distracted by a silly crush.

"Why are you acting this way Michael?" Asked Sam nervously.

I hesitated at his question. I didn't know what to say or how to explain the situation.

"Because it's my fault." I mumbled.

"What do you mean it's your fault?" Questioned Sam.

"I should've stopped her." I explained. I let go of Sam. He fell backwards almost instantly but he steadied himself.

"I don't understand." He said as confusion filled his face.

"On the boardwalk, I could've stopped her from going with them but I was distracted." I said anxiously.

"Distracted by what?" Snapped Sam. I shuffled my feet nervously not wanting to answer. I couldn't admit to him that I let our sister get turned into a monster over a silly girl.


"Star? That's why you haven't been yourself and sneaking out at night. You had a silly little crush which got our sister turned into a killer! How could you Michael? You were meant to protect her!" Shouted Sam.

"Im sorry Sam. It's all my fault." I said glumly.

"It's not your fault Michael it's mine. If I hadn't of liked you none of this would've happened. Well it might've still happened." She explained.

"What do you mean Star?" I asked panicked.

"Max asked us to get close to you and Ashley. I'm sorry Michael I didn't want to do it but I liked you so much I just wanted to be close to you." She apologised. She burst out crying and mumbling random excuses and apologies.

"Shut up Star! Not everything is about you." I snapped at her. She was in pure shock at my tone of voice but I had heard enough excuses today.

"Max as in video store Max?" Asked Sam. Star nodded at his question.

"We were right!" Added Alan.

"Never doubted myself, I'm always right." Replied Edgar.

"Don't forget that me and Alan helped." Said Sam in response to Edgar's self absorption.

"Shut up! I don't care who was right we need to figure all of this out." I snapped. The room fell silent. No one dared say anything to me.

"Get some rest we will talk about it tomorrow." I said sternly.

I'm sorry it's two days late and a bit short <3

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