First Date

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The boys had left me to work my alluring magic. I sat on Paul's bike just looking at the stars. I ran my finger through my hair and let the cold air hit my face.

"Hey darling, looking for a good time?" Asked a repulsive sounding voice. A sickly growl left his mouth.

I looked at his face which was now a foot away from me.

"You know what, I am." I said with a teasing lip bite. I got up and started walking towards the alley that the boys had told me to go to. I looked behind me and smiled at him as an invitation to follow.

He followed me towards the alley with drunken steps. He smelled like weed and beer and was probably out of his mind.

I led him to the end of the alley. I pulled him towards me and started kissing him aggressively. He repulsed me but I was so overwhelmed by how delicious he smelled.

I opened my eyes to see the boys surrounding me. I smiled.

"Hey sweetie I've got some friends I would like you to meet." I said menacingly. Nothing would create more satisfaction than seeing this asshole dead.

He looked around horrified at the faces that stared at him.

"I knew I had seen you with them!" He spat in my face.

"Now that's no way to talk to an Angel." Said David whilst slapping his hand down on his shoulder. David took a deep inhale taking in his scent.

"Smells delicious doesn't he?" Said Marko with a grin. Paul had a chesire cat smile plastered on his face. Even Dwayne had a smile on his face.

"Get away from me you freaks." He shouted aggressively.

"Us the freaks? Who was it harassing women earlier and thinking you would get away with it." I said with a hiss.

"Did u really think we wouldn't find you?" Added Paul. Dwayne crossed his arms as a sign of dominance to the now small scared surf nazi.

"I...I didn't mean to." He stammered.

"There's no point apologising now." Said Dwayne calmly but sternly as well.

I grabbed his neck and pulled him close to me again. He tried to pull away from me.

"I thought you wanted to have a good time. Why are you trying to leave now?" I hissed in his ear.

David came up towards him and grabbed the man's shoulders. He bit down into his neck causing blood to splatter and drip down his neck. That same hunger was ignited inside of me from last night. I bit down into the other side of the surf nazis neck. Sweet coppery liquid entered my mouth. My hunger was satiated almost instantly.

I let go his neck to see the rest of the boys drinking from the guys wrists and arm. The man became sickly pale. He moaned in detest.

David let go his neck and walked over to me. Marko took David's place.

He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. "How's our first date going so far?" He asked whilst licking his lips clean.

"First date? I wouldn't exactly call it a date." I heard the body of the surf nazi drop to the floor with a thud.

"I mean we had dinner and hung out didn't we?" Said Paul whilst laying his arm over David's shoulder. They both looked at me waiting for an answer.

"I wouldn't call it a date but I still had a great time." I said cheerfully. They both smiled in response.

"We should get out of here." Said Dwayne with a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yeh boys let go" said David. I looked at him annoyed. "And girls." He added as he held out his hand. I took it and pulled me to his side. Marko was stood next to me but slightly behind and Paul had caught up with Dwayne. Dwayne didn't seem to happy about it which made be laugh.

"What you laughing at princess?" Asked Marko.

"Just how good life is right now." I said gleefully. They both smiled at my comment. It was nice to know that they cared about me, like really cared about me.

We walked towards our bikes which were parked in front of a popcorn stall. I jumped on the back of Marko's bike. The bikes erupted with a roar as they started up.

We set off back towards the cave. The cold air was amazing on my skin. The smell of the ocean made me feel at home.

The boys parked the bikes whilst I set of ahead towards the cave. I walked down the old wooden steps as I admired the beauty of the crashing waves. The moon and stars reflected beautifully against the black ocean.

I walked inside the cave and smelled a similar scent. It smelled like bike fuel, sunflowers and had a hint of leather. It was Michael! Why was Michael here?

I rushed around the cave trying to find him. I searched every area of the cave. I couldn't find him. I closed my eyes and focused on the scent. Suddenly I smelt paper, charcoal pencils and leather. The two scents were mixed together almost as if becoming one. He was with Star.

I walked towards Star's area. I saw Michael later next to her with his arm wrapped around her waist.

"Hey look who we found hiding in the woods!" Shouted Paul. I could hear Laddie giggling in Paul's arms.

"Michael's here" I said glumly.

"What?" Added David as he walked up to me. He placed his hand on my shoulder and pulled me towards him.

"Leave them." He said but my eyes were still glued on Michael.

"Come on Ash. Sun will be up any minute. We should get some rest." Suggested Marko.

"I just can't believe he was mad at me for hanging out with you guys and not coming home. Yet he is now hanging out with her and not going home." I ranted to them. David hugged me tightly. I felt three other bodies hug me and a little Laddie squeeze through who hugged my waist. I smiled at the thought of my new family.

*The next day*
*Michaels POV*

I made it back to the house about three hours before sunset. The light was so bright for my eyes now. My body was getting weaker and weaker maybe Sam was right. Maybe I am a vampire.

I couldn't think about it made me feel terrified of myself. Ashley must be the same. Is that why she is hanging with them? I've got to save her from them but I need a plan.

I entered the house to see Sam and Grandpa. Sam was sat at the kitchen table probably eating everything he can find. Grandpa was putting a blazer on and fixing his tie.

I slammed the door and readjusted my sunglasses. Sam and Grandpa looked round to me.

"Looks like I wasn't the only one that got lucky." He said with a chuckle. I really wasn't in the mood for jokes right now.

"Did you get everything sorted Michael? Did u find Ash?" Questioned Sam. I just ignored him and continued walking up the stairs. I really couldn't be bothered to speak right now. I was to angry at the lost boys and Ashley. I knew it wasn't her fault what happened to us but why can't she just come home.

I got into my room and just slammed the door shut. I went all the way there and I still got no answers. What Star just a distraction? Do I really mean anything to her?

Sorry it's a bit late guys <3

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