Night Prowlers

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*The Next Day*

"Ash! Wake up! Ashley?" I heard a voice shout. My head was throbbing. I opened my eyes and was met with a harsh light. I hissed in pain and threw the covers over my face.

"Is someone hung over?" Teased Sam.

"No" I said sternly.

"Mike's the same" he replied. I could pretty much hear his eyes rolling in his skull.

"Just shut the blinds" I hissed at him.

"Okay done" he replied defensively. I pulled the covers of my face to see Sam looking at me with his head tilted to one side.

"You look pale. Like pale ill" he said.

"I'm fine" I lied. My head was throbbing and my throat was dry. Every bone in my body ached like hell.

"What time is it?" I asked him whilst sitting up in my bed.

"Two o' clock" he said.

"Shit" I was meant to be looking for a job today. I jumped out of bed and looked down at my clothes. They were the exact same as yesterday just my top was dirty and had been ripped slightly. I still had my shoes on I must've passed out as soon I got home. I looked around for my jacket but couldn't see it.

"What's with the sudden urgency?" Asked Sam.

"I was supposed to be looking for a job today to help Mom" I said with annoyance.

"I mean there is still time sunset is in like 6 hours but I'm sure most shops with still be open past then." He suggested to me.

"I guess, thanks Sammy" I said and gave him a tight squeeze.

"Don't get mushy on me" he said whilst backing up and holding his hands in the air like he was being arrested.

"Awww is my Sammy-wammy embarrassed" I teased.

"Haha. Shut up Ashley!" He moaned.

He left the room probably going to feed Nanook. I walked down the stairs to the second floor. I quickly looked in Michaels room to see he had put sunglasses on and had his head in his hands. Whatever that alcohol was it hit us pretty hard. I walked into to the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

I started to run myself a hot bath. Steam started to fill the dark room. I lit a few candles as the light in the bathroom was to harsh for my eyes so I kept it off. I looked into the steamed up mirror expecting to see a blurred reflection but I didn't see one. It must've been to dark in there. I brushed it off and started to take off my clothes.

*20 minutes later*

I walked into my bedroom with my towel wrapped around me. I had already brushed my teeth so I went to get dressed. I grabbed some fishnet tights some dark blue shorts and a gray low cut top. I got dressed and searched my room for my jacket but I couldn't find it.

I decided to just go to the boardwalk maybe the boys still had it. I was down stairs and found a pair of Mom's sunglasses as I didn't bring any in the move. They were black square framed glasses. I placed them on my head and felt instant relief from my migraine. My body still ached but I felt a bit better.

I quickly chugged a glass of water and grabbed my keys for my bike. It was about four o' clock now. I exited the house and went to check out my bike. It was completely fine no scratches. I was half expecting it to not work or at least be scratched up a bit. I mounted the bike and started the engine up. The purr of the bike radiated through my arms.

I set of towards the boardwalk.

*9 minutes later*

I must've gotten there in record speed. I had almost four hours until sunset to find a job.

I wondered around for two hours asking about a job but none of the places seemed interest. All of them seemed to be persistent in closing early as well. I leant up against the same metal railing that I did the first night I was here. I was hoping to see the boys but there was no sign of them yet. I looked at the sky and the sun was pretty low in the sky. The sun would start to set in about an hour and a half.

*45 minutes later*

I had been enjoying the rides for a while now secretly looking for the boys again but no sign of them yet. The sun had surprisingly already started to set. It had only just gone seven o'clock which was strange as it usually sets around eight.

I decided to check out the comic book store again. I did a lap of the store before the two boys spotted me.

"Back are we?" Said the tallest with the dark brown hair.

"Yeh I wanted to tell you that I saw a werewolf in the woods last night!" I teased.

"What really?" He questioned excitedly. The other boy with the bandanna tied around his head rolled his eyes.

"Gullible much?" I said whilst placing my hand on my hip.

"What?" He said whilst tilting his head to the side.

"She's messing with you brother." Said the other boy whilst patting him on the shoulder.

"If you don't have any real cases of the supernatural to report the stop wasting our important time!" He said firmly.

"Eye, eye captain" I said mockingly with a salute. He rolled his eyes at me.

"What are your names anyway?" I asked them trying to lighten the mood after our absolutely pathetic conflict.

"I'm Edgar and this is my comrade Alan. He's also my brother." He said.

"Well I'm Ashley but you can call me Ash if you would like." I said cheerfully.

"We will only refer to you as Ashley as we aren't friends" he stated sternly.

"And why aren't we friends again?" I asked.

"Because you hang out with night prowlers." He hissed.

"Huh. Hang out with what?" I questioned him in confusion.

"The lost boys" said Alan

"The what boys?" I asked.

"The lost boys. That's what everyone in Santa. Carla calls those bloodsuckers!" Edgar explained.

"I can guarantee you they aren't sucking anyones blood I spent a whole night with them I think I would know if they were drinking someone's blood." I replied.

"Can you guarantee it though?" Asked Edgar.

"I think so" I hesitated. Why am I defending them I hardly even know them? I just felt as if I had to. I brushed off the thought as vampires aren't real anyway.

"It's alright, me and my brother will protect you" said Alan whilst placing his hand on my shoulder almost as if he was trying to comfort me.

"Yeh! We will kill those vampires before they can hurt you!" Added Edgar.

"What?! You can't just kill people vampire or not they are still people." I exclaimed. I stepped back causing Alan's hand to fall at his side.

"But they kill people Ash" Alan tried to explain.

"Do you have proof?" I asked. Alan looked at his feet and Edgar refused to make eye contact with me.

"And don't call me that. After all we aren't friends." I said as I walked out of the store tears threatening to fall.

The sun has finally escaped the sky. The moon and stars lit the blanket of darkness.

I walked through the main shopping area of the boardwalk. The stalls were all empty except a few that were starting to close. I swear the stalls usually stay open past nine ish. It was only like half seven. I made it to the main part of the boardwalk where you could see the ocean and the beach.

The boardwalk was eerily quiet. No screaming children could be seen. It was if they knew that the boardwalk wasn't the place to be tonight.

Something wasn't right.

I shouldn't be here.

Hi guys! The next couple chapters should be out quicker than usual as I'm off school for a week.

Hope you are enjoying it so far <3

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