Chapter 33

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Ares Afton
I sat on the couch, watching the car lights fade away. The sound of soft snoring filled the silence. I glanced over at Lucifer. Something wasn't right. This felt like overkill, why be concerned with a couple of teens from out west? Why bother with the gullible when there are thousands ready to be stolen from? Lucifer was snoring into Greg's neck while the two brothers were snoring, one had his foot over the other. I got up from the couch and grabbed Michael's coat- Apollo's coat. I slipped it on, snow piled on the ground outside. I looked around the cabin, it's an okay size. Nothing I thought Apollo would have. I found a violin stored in a cabinet. I shook my head, that asshole had to be the one with more musical talent than us. Lyola was quite the dancer, I don't think I was very special in that sense. I heard coughing and looked back toward the group. Tony was sitting up, trying to catch his breath. That stupid suitcase was close to his side as he gasped for air. Soon enough he does, a few turns from inside the suitcase and he was okay. We make eye contact.

"Tony," I said.

"What do I call you?" He croaked.

"Ares is fine," I said. He gets up and walked over. The suitcase had a strap, it held across his chest.

"What's got you up?" Tony whispered. He tries to clear his throat. We turned hearing a thud. Sam having another seizure.

"Don't you think it's strange?" I said. I put on the coat, and Tony found a spare one of Lucifer's and put it on. We go outside, to sit on the patio. I would freeze up eventually. I looked at my feet where the water was puddling every other step.

"My family is Italian," Tony didn't look amused.

"Romania has their fair share of... family trouble. But this is coincidental," I said. I flicked his head. He yelped and glared. Rubbing the area, he looked at me.


"Tony think for once," I said.

"I'm dying and.... and you want me to think?"

"Things happen to Lucifer, constantly following him around. My mess follows me but when we separate, Lucifer is either hunted or bothered by someone. Hear me out, someone is behind it. I don't mean Ramirez, I mean there's someone behind it from the start," I said.

"Okay, let's say there is. Why is someone interested in killing off some nobo-" I glared. Tony lifts his hands in surrender. "Right, you're the partner. Sorry, why would someone actively ruin Lucifer's life?"

"My brother is a sadist for hire and you're asking me who would willingly torment someone? You know I kill for cash, you do the same," I said rolling my eyes.

"Careful man! Selling us both out, I mean what monster would do it to a baby? You have some morals right?" Tony said. I think about the small thing in the house. How she was sleeping in a crib Apollo had for some stupid reason. "Right?" Tony chuckled nervously.

"Sure," I said. I cleaned underneath my nail, flicking the crap onto the snow. So impractical, so fucking white.

"Okay, so who would-"

"Apollo," I whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"My brother, he gambles," I said standing up. My hands tremble the more I think. "My brother gambles!" I said. I turned and see Tony with a raised brow.

"He gambles? So does my Uncle Toni. What's the... oh my god he gambles lives!" Tony shot up but immediately sat down. I gave him a questioning look but he waved me off. Motioning me to explain a short while after the colour goes back to his face.

"My brother gambles, he makes bets. I heard his recent bet was with the governor in Austria. How long his son would keep alive with everything Apollo would do? Small things, rejecting his application, killing his girlfriend, destroying his business," I said then bit my knuckle. Did he bet on Lucifer? Since a child? But why? What?

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