Chapter 30

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Belle froze as her uncle made a dash towards the campgrounds. She could feel her heart race, hear it pound in her ears. 

This was the moment they were all preparing for. What they were all training for.

She watched as everyone made a move to follow after her uncle. Belle was about to run after them when a hand covered her mouth and she felt cold steel press against her throat.

"And where do you think you're going princess?" A voice she'd know anywhere asked.

She watched with dread as Ezryan disappeared in the chaos. No one to witness the traitor amongst them push Belle towards the opposite direction.


The explosions were deafening.

Ezryan tried to drown out the ringing in his ears as he checked if everyone was okay. Everything seemed to be playing in slow motion in that moment.

Ricky was shouting something at the twins. Sam was protecting Luke who had been knocked down and was trying to gain his bearings. Kenson was roaring at his brother and Cage who were running straight towards the mayhem.

Belle. Where was Belle?

Ezryan whipped his head around to see if she was trailing behind, but he couldn't spot any sign of her anywhere.

Something was wrong.


"Well, well, well. We meet at last."

Belle stood her ground as she met the gaze of the voice that had been haunting her dreams. 

From all the stories she had heard, dreams she had, she wasn't prepared for this.

A tall man stood before her. His frame was fit and built. Blue black locks fell in waves to his broad shoulders. 

He was dangerously handsome.

Two strong Red Vamps were restraining each of her arms so that she could do nothing but watch as Jared stood in front of her.

"Nothing to say? Well, that's alright. I have alot to say anyway." He began walking around her, assessing her. It chilled Belle to the bone.

"You really look like your mother. Be thankful your eyes are the only thing you got from your father."

Belle could see the hatred light up in his silver and red flecked black eyes when he mentioned her father. She stayed quiet, biding her time. Someone was bound to figure out she was missing. She just hoped they wouldn't be too late.

"Your mother. Such a shame she had to die. I loved her, did you know that?" Jared stopped right in front of Belle. "We could have been happy together. I could have given her the world."

Belle thought she could see something close to sadness pass over his features in a mere second. She wasn't sure she saw it because his face went immediately impassive.

"Then your father came into our lives." Jared spat. "If it wasn't for him-"

Belle couldn't help but feel the anger that bubbled in her. She had to avert her gaze so that he didn't see how he affected her but she turned away too late. Jared laughed out loud and clapped his hands.

"Ahh. The Klais temper. You don't like us talking about your father? Do you need a handkerchief? A hug? Why do you even care about a man you had lived majority of your  life without? If anything, you should hate him. I know I do."

He threw his hands in the air as he resumed pacing.

"Funny isn't it? He tried to save you only to lose you." 

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