Chapter 4

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Wait. What?

Belle could feel the color threatening to flood on her face.

"I meant, what can I do you for? That is to say, what can I do for you?" Belle tried to save face. "I apologize, that came out wrong."

Belle could hardly look at the customer's eyes. The man just stood there smiling. It flustered Belle even more.

"Can we just forget that even happened?"

The man chuckled. A deep sound, resonating from his chest. He nodded his head. "Your wish is my command. However, do let me know when you change your mind so I can take you up on your offer." He winked.

Belle blushed profusely. She didn't know why she couldn't come up with some retort like she'd do with H.D. But she knew she couldn't find the words at the moment.

She also couldn't figure out why the stranger's smile made her knees feel like jelly. But it made her feel uncomfortable. She tried to shake it off and forced a polite smile on her face. She silently congratulated herself for pouring a glass and handing it to the man with a steady hand.

"Belle, could you come over here?" Belle heard Sunny call out from the kitchen.

"Excuse me." She said politely to the stranger as she went to check on her friend.

Belle found Sunny with a frown on her face, and her hands on her hips.

"Belle, I don't think I trust that guy out there." Sunny said, getting straight to the point.

"Why? Did he do something wrong?"

"I- he- I just don't trust him. He could be a rapist, or a thief, or a- I don't know but I don't like him."

"Sunny, he's just a friendly customer looking to drink. No need to get all riled up."

"Oh, he's looking for something alright." Sunny muttered to herself.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I'll be outside if you need me." Sunny said as she shrugged on her coat and slammed the back door on her way out.

Belle stood there gaping at the door. She could sense Sunny's frustration but she didn't know what caused it. She was usually always cheerful and happy. Sunny getting mad was something everyone rarely saw. Belle decided to let Sunny cool off for a while. They can always talk about it later.

Belle made her way back to the bar where the handsome stranger sat, casually sipping his wine. She slipped behind the counter and continued polishing more glasses.

"Your friend seems to dislike me."

Belle inwardly cringed. He must have heard them. She tried to form an apology, but he spoke before she could get it out.

"My name is Ryan." He said as he offered his hand.

Belle shook it, grateful for the change of topic.

"My name is Belle."

The two gazed at each other for a long time, before Belle shyly looked away. She realized how warm and big his hands were and suddenly released his hand.

Ryan glanced at the human girl named Belle while she busied herself polishing glasses. He had to admit that she was pretty, for a human. Her hair was neatly tucked into a bun underneath her cap. Her eyes were a dull brown but long, thick lashes fanned out making them look beautiful. And those luscious lips that could make any man, human or not, fantasize all day long.

His plan was to let her guard down and then strike. But after looking into her eyes he felt some sort of pull. He started feeling guilty about planning to abduct her. He was already thinking to walk away before it was too late. But even to leave her made him feel sad. Weird.

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