Chapter 26

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Belle watched silently as everyone conversed around the campfire. The day had gone by uneventfully.

She was lost in thought until Ezryan appeared with three other people.

The boy and girl looked like they were around their age. The kid looked like he could be a year or so older than Cage.

"Everyone. These are family friends. The Princes of Nuelae and the Crown Princess of Ceryss." Ezryan introduced.

Belle froze.

Princess. She must be his fiancé.

Belle felt a pang in her chest as she observed the beautiful royal.

The girl even curtsied gracefully.

Belle forced a smile on her face and greeted them back. She didn't see Sam and Luke's glances full of pity.

"You must be Belle, the long lost princess of Sythel. My name is Shaeleen." The girl said in a soft, lilting voice as she smiled at Belle.

Belle's face was feeling as pained as her heart, but she forced herself to go through it.

"This is Kenson, the Crown Prince of Nuelae and his younger brother Kai."

"It's nice to meet you."

The royals took their seat. Belle tried not to give away her feelings when Ezryan took his seat next to Shaeleen.

The pain. It was too much to bear.

"Belle. You okay?" She heard Luke whisper.

Again, she plastered her smile.

"Yes. I'm just a little tired, I guess."

"We heard what happened. I do hope you get well soon." Shaeleen's voice said sincerely.

"I'll be fine." Belle tried not to sound choked up.

"Excuse me. The day is finally taking its toll on me. I should go rest. Good night everyone."

"I'll walk you back." Sunny offered as she got up.

Unable to talk anymore, Belle simply nodded and turned to leave.

She was already reaching her limit before they reached the tent.

As soon as they were outside, Belle faked one more smile.

"You should go back. I'll be fine, I just need to be alone."

Sunny looked unsure, but eventually nodded and left.

Belle entered the tent and dropped herself on the cot. She curled herself into a ball, wanting to stop the pain.

She knew he was spoken for. So why did it hurt this much?

The pang worsened as she thought of the two of them. Ryan with his dark look and the princess with her light beauty.

They were opposites, yet they looked like a perfect match.

Another pang.

She willed herself not to feel it, but it didn't lighten.

"My child. You seem to to be troubled again."

The voice sounded familiar.

She turned up to see an old man she could have sworn she had seen somewhere before, sitting by her cot.

And then a memory hit her.

"You. How- What-" She was at a loss for words.

The old man chuckled.

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