Chapter 6

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Belle paced back and forth in the spacious bedroom. She couldn't believe Ryan locked her in here like some caged animal. She tried picking the lock, but two guards flanked her door outside.

And to think she actually thought he was a nice, normal person. Normal people did not go around slamming strangers on the streets and kidnapping unconscious girls in the middle of the night. But even in the circumstances she was in, she didn't feel that Ryan was a threat.

Belle groaned as she finally threw herself on the bed. Uncle Richard was probably going insane with worry. If she could, she would have escaped through the window. Her room was three stories high with no tree growing nearby, or anything she would have used to climb down.

She cursed Ryan to oblivion and back.

The sun was about to set when she heard a timid knock on the door. She immediately sat up and straightened herself as Luke came in and bowed. Belle relaxed a little.

"I'm sorry for bothering, but I brought a few candles for your room. It's going to be dark soon."

Belle nodded for him to set them down. He lit four candles and a lantern before turning to light the fireplace.

Luke could have brought the flames to life with a wave of his hand but Ezryan ordered not to perform any magic in her presence.

Luke straightened himself and turned to face Belle who was observing him. He had to admit, the girl definitely looked beautiful. No wonder Ezryan was so hooked on her, even if he denied it. He felt sorry for his friend since he was betrothed to another.

For some absurd reason, Luke felt like kneeling into submission, which was only meant for Faerie royalty. He cleared his throat before finding his voice.

"Dinner will be ready soon. Would you like to join us or eat in here?" Luke asked kindly.

"I'd like to go home and eat there." Belle responded curtly.

"I see. So I guess that means dinner in here." Luke was about to turn and see himself out, but something caught his eye.

Belle's eye color wavered into a silver and gold flecked amber and then suddenly was back to a dull brown. If Luke wasn't schooled in masking his emotions, and Ezryan and Sam were good teachers, his mouth would have been hanging open.

"What are you staring at?" Belle demanded.

Luke cleared his throat again. "Nothing. There was a big spider in your hair."

Belle squealed and jumped off the bed, trying to get rid of the imaginary spider.

"It's gone." Luke said as he left the room. He could feel the glare she was giving his back as he closed the door behind him.

Silver and gold flecked eyes?


If what he saw wasn't a figment of his imagination then that would mean-

No. It couldn't be. Maybe the light made the amber look gold. Yes. That made more sense. Whatever he saw, or thought he saw, he still had to report to Ezryan. He'd know what to do.

Luke winded his way through the corridors and down the two flights of stairs. As he reached the doors to the throne room, he opened them to find Ezryan and Sam, standing over the big table situated in the middle of the room since the king had been abducted. The table was covered with a large map of Mendeve, with figures standing in multiple places.

"If we combine forces with Sythel and Nuelae, we may have a chance at raiding Barrloth and freeing the captured Aeani Kings." Sam's voice echoed in the room.

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