Random (Pronouncing)

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Hi there. 🤗 This chapter is to help with the pronounciation of SOME of the names and places in the book so far. Only the complicated ones. You can totally skip to the next chapter if you want to. For those that want to read through, let's get this show on the road so we can move on!


Mendeve: (mend-eve) All of The Regions combined
Atheria: (ah-theh-ree-ah) One of The Regions, Human dominated, Neutral land
Alterio: (all-teh-ree-oh) Region next to Atheria, Witch/Warlock/etc dominated
Aeani: (ay-ah-nee) Faerie dominated Region
Orous: (oh-rohs) Vampire dominated Region
Sythel: (sih-thelle) Largest Faerie Kingdom
Galia: (gah-lee-ah) 2nd largest Faerie Kingdom
Ceryss: (seh-ris) A Faerie Kingdom
Barrloth: (bar-law-th) Another Faerie Kingdom
Nuelae: (new-eh-lay) And another Faerie Kingdom

If there is a place you would like to know how to say, feel free to comment it and anything I missed.


Arabelle: (ah-rah-bell)
Ezryan: (eh-zeh-rai-an)
Henderson: (hen-der-sun)
Horace: (ho-race)
Emora: (ee-moh-rah)
Kryst: (cr-eh-st) Sunny's last name, in case you forgot
Klais: (cuh-lies)
Elleriss: (eh-ler-is)
Venide: (veh-nah-eed)
Tarinai: (tah-ree-nai)
Ryonus: (rai-oh-nos)
Rydien: (rih-dee-an)
Aranide: (ah-ran-eyed)
Madelaide: (mah-deh-laid)
Cartiem: (car-tee-um) Maddie's last name, again if you forgot

These are what I can remember from the top of my head. If I missed anything, please comment so I can update this chapter.

If there's any names you need me to clarify, feel free to let me know. 😊

That being said, onward to the next chapter my friends!

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