Chapter 25

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Belle felt herself trying to wake up numerous of times, but her body could not cooperate with her. She attempted to open her eyes, but still failed. The tiredness she felt kept dragging her back into a deep and dreamless slumber.

She could have sworn she heard Cage's voice saying something about Ryan. Even her father's deep voice soothing her.

Was there also an argument she heard?

She couldn't tell what was what behind closed eyes. Exhausted, closed eyes.

She tried to opened her eyes once more.

The sunlight was blinding at first. She blinked away the sleep and tried to adjust to the brightness. She was in another big tent. It wasn't her father's. It could have been her Uncle's. But there was a lot of medical supplies, like bandages and herbs lying on nearby tables.

"You're awake." A familiar sunny voice chirped.

Belle looked over to where Sunny had been sitting beside the cot. She managed a small smile for Sunny, who returned the gesture in her own bright way.

"What happened? Where is everyone?" Belle asked as she tried to sit up.

She could feel her energy returning to her slowly, bit by bit. But still felt a little weak. Sunny looked like she was restraining herself from coddling too much, which Belle felt grateful for.

As soon as Belle was able to sit upright, Sunny visibly relaxed in her chair and answered her.

"Well, a lot has sort of happened. Everyone is trying to get all that sorted out at the moment. What do you remember?"

Belle thought hard. Then the picture of Ricky about to attack Sam hit her suddenly.

"Sam! Is she okay?" Belle nearly shot out from where she was sitting on the cot, only to be steadied by Sunny, who was surprisingly strong for a girl her size. "Sunny, Sam is probably really hurt right now. We need to go check on her, not babysit me."

"Belle, she's okay. She doesn't have a single scratch on her anymore." Sunny said soothingly.

Belle nearly calmed down, until she caught that last bit.

"Anymore? What's that supposed to mean?" Belle began to panic again.

"She's healed." Sunny said reassuringly. "Don't worry. Everything is already settled."

Belle took calming breaths before relaxing herself. She didn't even realized how tensed she had gotten until she released that last breath she had been holding. Then she realized something else.

"How did I get here?" She frowned at Sunny.

She was with them on the field. And then... Nothing. Just a big, blank, nothing.

Belle tensed again. Why couldn't she remember? What happened?

"I think it's better hearing this from your father and your uncle. Oh, and Uncle Richard of course." Sunny responded as if losing her memory was a normal thing, and nothing to worry about until a later time.

"Sunny." Belle said behind closed eyes, trying to stay patient.

"Belle." Sunny said admonishingly.

Sunny's tone made Belle stop before any words could come out of her mouth. This was the second time Belle has heard her friend sound as if she was seriously mad. Belle was not used to hearing any kind of tone that was not happy where it concerned Sunny.

"They should be here any minute." Sunny chirped, back to her happy self.

Belle didn't know what to do but gave a nervous chuckle.

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