Chapter 9

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"My Lord. One of our spies reported that there is a girl. She's believed to be the last descendant of the Emora bloodline."

So, the brat lived.

Jared Isiris turned silver and red flecked, black eyes toward the soldier. The man nervously swallowed, sweat forming on his brow.

"A girl, you say? And she is, indeed, the spawn of Klais?" He nearly spat the name.

"Yes, My Lord."

Jared pointed his expressionless gaze on the chained vampire king. He saw the hatred burning again in the vampire king's eyes. It filled him pleasure. And besides, he was used to the hateful looks, the pitiful glances. But his most favorite-

"Ah, ah, ah. I wouldn't look like that if I were you." Jared warned as he lifted his arm slowly.

Three other bodies were being lifted in the air. Cries of a woman and two children filled the room as well as the clinks of dangling chains.

Fear replaced the hatred that had burned in the vampire king's eyes. The look of fear made Jared feel giddy. That was the look he relished in.

"No! Please! I beg you. I've done everything you asked, please don't hurt my family." King Greyson begged.

Jared brought down his hands. Cries of relief sounded. Fat tears rolled down the pathetic king's face.

"Start planning the next move. And be quick. Or I won't be so lenient next time."

Jared breezed out of the tower room.

The brat was still alive.

Now, he had to put some things aside. He needed to kill the girl before she became a problem. Her sorry excuse of a father might be a powerful king with many allies and one of the largest armies but not for long.

He needed to go through his plans carefully. He had patience. After all, he had waited for a century to break free and exact his revenge. Soon he'll have all of Mendeve.

Soon they will all pay for taking away his Riri.



Belle woke up to the harsh sunlight, blaring in her face. Mornings had never been her favorite time of the day. But remembering her new revelations and knowing there was more to learn, she forced herself to sit up and stretch with a long yawn.

She nearly had a heart attack when she noticed someone else was in her room. She relaxed when she recognized Ricky's familiar face. Then a sudden burst of anger formed and coursed through her body. Before she had time to throw back the covers, he was instantly at her side, his hand on her shoulder.

"Belle please. We all honestly thought it was safer for you. We were going to tell you soon, it's just that we always seemed to postpone it. We didn't want to hurt you." Ricky pleaded.

Belle held back a sharp retort. She didn't want to keep fighting them either. But she still couldn't get over it. They had many years, many opportunities to tell her. They didn't.

"I forgive you. But-" she held out her hand to stop him from hugging her. "I'm still mad at all of you. I need time to get used to all of this, Rick. You guys grew up knowing this stuff. I had to hear it all at once. Literally." She said thinking of HD.

Ricky's shoulders slumped a little but he nodded.

"Everyone's already downstairs having breakfast. There's still more you have to know before we go."

"I'll be down in a bit."

As Ricky walked out the door, a servant walked in and curtseyed before her.

"Would you like your bath drawn up for you now, My Lady?"

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