Chapter 31

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Jared was laughing with maniacal glee. He skipped around Belle who was now under his total control.

Ezryan fought to get free, but was still helpless. "Belle." He struggled under labored breath. "Fight."

He felt the force tighten around him making him let out an involuntary gasp. Bright lights were dancing in his line of vision. The image of Belle blurring a little.

"She's gone!" Jared cackled. "And she's never coming back!" 

Jared's slowly sobered from his euphoria. He swiped at the tear that made its way down.

"I've got to give you youngsters some credit though for trying. I'll be sure to make your deaths quick and painless." Jared said as a matter-of-factly. 

He raised his arms. Ezryan closed his eyes and prepared himself for the final blow.

More than ten seconds passed before he slowly opened them in confusion.

Jared looked like they did. Frozen in place as if something was holding still.

Suddenly, the invisible force that held them gave in and they all tumbled to the hard ground. Everyone was in a coughing fit, but they forcibly recovered and were on alert.

Jared's companions along with the Ceryssian princess were knocked back by a dark blur. A low growl emanating from the fast moving figure.

"Thank the Gods you lot are alright!" Ezryan heard the Emora's voice say.

And sure enough, Rydien strode to them with Belle's father and grandfather in tow. The figure stopped to show a great wolf quickly shifting to Richard's familiar human form. They rushed to the younger ones with a look of ease.

Their relief was short lived when they saw Belle still unmoving and emotionless. 

Aranide gave out a shout as he ran to Jared and clasped both meaty hands around the lowlife's neck. "What did you do?!" He roared as he throttled the bastard.

Jared had the audacity to let a wide grin make it's way on his face which only inflamed the Iron King's ire. 

"" Jared choked out.

"Did you really think I'd let you do that trick again?"

Everyone turned to the old man. Jared's grin faltered. He visibly panicked to get free. The elder Emora slowly made his way towards his son-in-law and Jared. As he reached them he let out a disappointed sigh.

"I never wanted any of this to happen. Past or present." The old man said regretfully. "You were a part of our family."

Something akin to sadness played on Jared's face briefly. Then he snarled and spat at the old man.

"I was never a part of your family." He forced out with hatred. His features darkened as he closed his eyes.

Ezryan could feel the disturbance in the energies swirling about. Jared was trying to do something and the old man was fighting back.

Rydien stood by his father's side making sure not to let his emotions show.

Jared fought against the old man who was trying to find a way through to break the Mind Hold. The Emora was at the side, keeping Jared from reaching outside of the Mind Hold. Trapped clashing in his control battle with the elder Emora.

And the Emoras were winning.


No way in Oblivion was he going to be trapped again for hundreds of years. Never again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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