Chapter 1

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Atheria, many years later.

"I'm beginning to regret this." Belle Leverway groaned as she forced herself to get up from the small bed and stumbled to her dresser.

"Oh, it's not that bad, Belle. Atleast we get an endless supply of free rounds after our shifts." Ricky Leverway said enthusiastically.

Belle glared at the owner of the laughing brown eyes.

Ricky had a masculine jaw and a mop of brown hair. His muscular build made Belle's small room look like a child's playhouse. It looked ridiculous. He was lounging on one of the two chairs, his legs stretched out on the small table.

"Rick, aren't you supposed to be setting up the bar before opening?" Belle asked as she fought to contain her big curls into her cap.

"Father sent me up to check on you." he replied.

Richard Leverway, Ricky's father, was the owner of The Changeling; a pub and Inn. Ricky and Belle helped out running the place. Richard Leverway had raised Belle since she was a baby.

He found her on the steps out back with nothing but a blanket and a paper with the name Belle on it. She threw the blanket years ago because it constantly reminded her that she was left on a random stranger's doorstep.

Despite that fact, Richard treated her as his own and spoiled her. She was given a place to call home. She was treated like family and was grateful that she was left with such a kind man.

Belle quickly tied her apron and shrugged on her shoes, not bothering to check on her appearance on her small bedside mirror.

"It's going to be a busy night." Belle commented.

Ricky grinned in reply as he stood up and gently pushed her out the door.

"Oh come on. It's not that bad."

Every night before a full moon, The Changeling was packed with people from all over Mendeve. They were all either family, friends, or acquaintances.

Uncle Richard said it was a reunion to prepare for the full moon the next night. The Changeling was always near empty whenever there was a full moon. Even Ricky and his father attended the hunting party. Uncle Richard said that it was more challenging hunting in the dark.

Belle remembered attempting to follow them once but Uncle Richard wouldn't let her saying it was too dangerous. Belle didn't want to argue after everything he had done for her.

Belle led the way down the hall and down the stairs that led to the kitchen. As they reached the landing, a pudgy man they all called Cook was complaining about the meat.

The man threatened his assistant to roast it right or the next thing roasting will be him. She laughed as she made her way towards him and gave a light peck on his chubby cheek.
Cook immediately forgot his ire and began blushing profusely.

Belle smiled as she grabbed a tray waiting to be served and pushed out the door with her back. She made her way through the crowded room, expertly maneuvering her tray so that it didn't topple over.

The Changeling was lit by a few lanterns lining up against the walls and the hearths on the far side of the room. People were all over the place, from the tables to the bar counter and the fireplace. The Changeling wasn't grand as a ballroom, but it could accommodate a lot of people when needed.

Everyone was all talking animatedly about tomorrow night's events. Belle served the nearest table first and exchanged greetings to familiar faces.

The majority of the customers they had tonight were regulars every night before a full moon. There was never a day spent alone living with the Leverways and their big family.

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