Chapter 11

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Ezyran couldn't sleep, no matter how hard he tried. He had no idea why. He had been tossing and turning, trying to drift off but sleep was unattainable. He sat up, and noted that everyone was still fast asleep. Luke and Sam had already switched shifts with Bastien and Artan a while ago. The two were already fast asleep by his side.

He glared at the two sleeping figures and stared off into the forest, cursing everyone that was sleeping peacefully. Well, not everyone exactly.

Ezryan forbade his mind to venture any further. He had a responsibility to his father, his people. He had a fiance and it was high time he started acting like it. Even if he didn't want to go through with the marriage. It was useless getting close with someone like Belle.

He cursed at himself. So much for forbidding his mind to go there.

Dawn should be approaching soon. He could see the telltale signs of it. He probably should scout out for some berries or something. Their rations might not be enough for breakfast, not to mention lunch.

As he got up, Belle was whimpering in her sleep. She was tossing, Ezryan could see the sweat forming on her brow.

He didn't know if he should wake her up, or just leave her be. But he didn't like seeing her like this. He wondered what she could be dreaming of that made her toss about in her sleep.

As he reached out to wake her, she shot up with a start, nearly screaming.

"Hey, hey. Everything is alright, it was just a nightmare." Ezryan said soothingly. "You okay?"

Belle looked startled and confused for a moment before relaxing. "Yes. I'm fine." She nodded.

"Want to talk about it?" Ezryan offered. "Might make you feel better."

She shook her head. "It's nothing."

Ezryan was unconvinced, but he let it side, not wanting to upset her.

The sky was already beginning to brighten slowly. Birds were chirping everywhere, readying themselves for another day. He decided he needed to do the same.

"Well, okay then. I'm going to start packing up." He started to get up.

"Ryan, wait."

Ezryan looked down at her, trying his best not to look too long and admire her beautiful eyes.

Gods damn him.

"Thank you for the offer though. I appreciate it." Belle said kindly.

The steel he forced to harden his heart against her, cracked. Gods damn him to oblivion and back.

He smiled warmly at her. "Anytime."

Then he turned and walked back to his place. He rolled up his blankets and gathered his packs. He situated them near his saddle so he could easily get everything when they needed to go.

He ate a loaf of bread with some cheese and gulped down his water. Now with some food in his stomach, he felt ready to take on the day.

He spied Belle doing the same as he had done before eating her breakfast too. He looked away not wanting his eyes to linger. Not wanting his mind to think. Not wanting his heart to feel.

The sun was already getting ready to ascend when Sam woke up. She already looked ready for the day. She nudged Luke to get up before packing up her things.

Luke looked miserable as he got up. He rubbed the sleep off of his eyes and sat some more, trying to get himself alert before getting up.

Ezryan chuckled out loud, Luke cursing at him when he heard it.

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