Chapter 15

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"I want you all to go through, on my mark." Maddie announced as she looked behind her.

She faced the archway again and stretched out her arms, both palms glowing bright.

They all watched silently, waiting for something unknown to happen.

"What are we waiting for exactly?" Ezryan overheard HD whisper to someone.

"Shh!" That someone replied.

The silence stretched until, finally, a small glow emanated from the archway, working itself in until it grew. The whole archway was glowing brightly, they could no longer see the other side of it. The opal colors wavered.

"Go!" Maddie commanded.

Some of them hesitated, but went through the archway anyway. Ezryan passed through with haste.

As he passed through, he looked at the sight before him. The archway already behind him. Ezryan took in his surroundings. The atmosphere felt different. It didn't feel like they were anywhere in Sythel, let alone Aeani.

He looked back at the archway that was still glowing. Maddie had yet to make an appearance. They waited patiently for her to come through.

They didn't have to wait for long. She came through, pulling her horse beside her. As she stepped out from under the archway, the light flashed brightly then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Whoa. What was that?" HD asked, awestruck.

"That will be how we'll march a large group through the Regions."

"We're in Alterio." Sunny gasped.

Being from here, Ezryan guessed she had sensed that. No wonder it felt different. How many constructs like this were built? How did it work?

Ezryan had no time to ask about it as they continued on their way. The forest gave way to an open field. Tents and flickering lights could be seen from afar.

They must be near where the summit will be taking place.

Maddie urged her horse into a gallop, everyone following her lead. The lights were gradually getting closer and closer as they neared the cluster of tents. Ezryan could already make out the litter of soldiers and campfires situated everywhere on the field.

They slowed as they reached the edge of the campgrounds. Ezryan didn't wait any longer.

He Ported himself and Belle off of their horse. Maddie had already dismounted and gestured Ezryan to follow her as soon as her boots thudded on the grass.

She hurried through the tents and soldiers. She made sure they didn't get in Ezryan's way as he tightened his hold on Belle. Afraid he might drop her at the pace they were going.

They reached a large tent, guards were posted on both sides of the tent flap. They wore the Sythel colors. Both bowed in Maddie's direction, but Maddie continued on her way inside the tent in haste.

As Ezryan entered, he tensed at the sight of King Aranide. Belle's father was the last person he expected Maddie meant for them to see. Ezryan couldn't imagine the thoughts running through the Iron King's head, seeing his daughter lying limp in Ezryan's arms.

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