Chapter 2

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Richard froze in shock at the sudden news but kept it from showing. The room had slowly grown silent and everyone began speaking in hushed tones. He looked around to see that Belle was nowhere in sight and gave a silent command to continue as they were. In seconds, the pub was once again noisy as it was earlier.

"It looks like I've finally gotten your attention."

"Who's behind all this?"

"A faerie who calls himself Jay Red."

"What's so special about this certain faerie that he was able to wipe out the Councilmen and take over a faerie kingdom?"

"He was mentored by the Emora's father. There's a rumor that the Emora and Jay grew up together. Only the Emora can match him since they were mentored by the same man."

Richard frowned. He didn't remember any Jay Red. He would have remembered anyone that was close to the Emora.

"You won't be able to find the Emora. His gone. Stanley was murdered for harboring him."

The two men were both silent, the room was filled with strained laughter and merriment.

"I'm sorry but it looks like I cannot help you, Your Highness, so if you would excuse me." Richard attempted to stand up but Ezryan stopped him.

"Wait! All the Four Regions of Mendeve are in danger. This Jay Red has the vampire king under his grasp as well and will use their armies to destroy your kind."

"Listen young prince. I will not charge into something like this on the word of one person. We will wait until we are summoned at a summit where we can all discuss the problem at hand and plan something. Why haven't you gone to Sythel's king since Sythel is the largest kingdom in Aeani?"

"Sythel and its' army is still not enough even if we were to combine forces. We need more people from all over Mendeve on our side."

Richard Leverway stood up and gazed hard into the prince's silver flecked, violet eyes. An unusual color, but no doubt inherited by Elleriss ancestors.

He would've liked to help the Galian Prince but he had an important matter to deal with. Even more important than this Jay character. But he couldn't tell the prince that. To do so might lead to breaking his promise to Aranide.

"I would like to help you but I will not go on just your word. If there is a summit regarding this matter, that is when you'll have all of the Shifter Clans' support. So please excuse me while I take my leave."

Ezryan opened his mouth to argue, but held his tongue since it would have been useless.

His gaze wandered over to where the human girl stood. She was laughing at something the bartender had said. Ezryan couldn't tell whether or not her hair was curly or straight because it was hidden underneath a hat some fellow dropped on her head.

Her face was oval shaped with a luscious pair of lips that looked tempting. Her skin was fair, smooth from his point of view.

Maybe she could talk some sense into the stubborn Alpha's head. Before he could catch the color of her eyes, he heard Richard cleared his throat. He turned to see the Alpha glaring down at him.

"Belle is family. If you so much as look at her again, your throat will be ripped out before you even have the chance to blink." Richard then hastily added. "Your encounter was disrespectful and I do not tolerate those kind of actions under my roof."

Silence stretched while Ezryan fought to contain his anger before speaking.

"Well, I do not tolerate being threatened in any way, wolf. And besides, your human does not interest me unless she can help me in my cause." Ezryan stated in his calm but deadly voice.

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