Chapter 5

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"She's awake, Your Highness." A servant announced as he came in.

"Send her in." Ezryan said without looking up.

He was too lost in thought to pay any attention to anything that was happening around him.

When he Ported Belle and himself to the Galian castle, he immediately set himself to cleanup Belle's wound. But when he peeled off the makeshift bandage he had wrapped around her arm, the gash was gone. It was as if it had never been cut.

Only magical beings had the power to heal themselves. And at the rate Belle went, meant only one thing; she wasn't an ordinary human.

She wasn't able to chant a spell or drink any potion at the time. Ezryan would have seen her do it. So, she couldn't be a witch.

She definitely wasn't a Shifter, otherwise she would have been with all the other Shifters during the full moon last night.

So that meant that she was either a vampire or a Faerie.

He doubted that she was a vampire. She would have needed a lot of blood to heal herself as fast as she did. Unconsciously.

But a brown eyed Faerie?

Faeries all had silver flecked eyes, even vampires. But then, she could have drank a potion or changed her eye color herself to hide the silver flecks.

Ezryan started feeling sick. What if the whole innocent human facade was an act? Did she really look like that or was everything on her fake? Was her name even Belle?

"You actually like the girl." Luke said in disbelief, pulling Ezryan from his thoughts.

Sam arched an eyebrow. "Keep in mind that you are already betrothed."

Ezryan glared at both of them, but the pair were immune to his hard gaze which made him even more frustrated. Ezryan also felt annoyed that Sam had to bring up the fact that he was already engaged.

And what he hated about his engagement was that he didn't even get to meet the girl or get to know her a little more. His father said that having two Faerie kingdoms united by marriage was good for the people. He asked questions but that was all he had ever got out of his father.

There were only three Faerie princesses and two of them are still in diapers. The other one was the same age as Ryan and she was the only daughter of the King of Ceryss. The tales Ezryan had heard of her were quite disturbing. Picturing him married off, and to a girl like her, made him shudder inwardly.

The fire popped and cackled, sending sparks swirling in the fireplace. As soon as the door slightly creaked, all three pairs of eyes were on the door with quiet anticipation.

The servant came in and was followed by Belle who looked at everything and everywhere in awe. With her cap gone, black ringlets curled down past her lower back. The dress that was lent to her, fitted her amazingly.

Ezryan's mouth went dry as his eyes roamed all over her curves. He forced himself to look past her before she noticed.

There was an air of authority now that surrounded her like a cloak. He hadn't noticed that before either. And it made him want to kneel in submission. Sam and Luke raised their right arm over their chest and bowed, while Ezryan stood in between them, hands deep in his pockets. If anyone was to bow, it should be her. He was the one with the royal bloodline.

Ezryan dismissed the servant with a single nod. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut abruptly.

"You kidnapped me." Belle said coldly as her eyes narrowed on him.

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