
39 5 2

You don't have to read this. You can skip if you want.

Okay, so heads up: I changed Chapter 1.2 to Chapter 2. Since my chapters are long but few, I decided to break them down so there would be more. And there's also the fact that most of the users on Wattpad use phones to read. Heck, even I do.

And I tried to shorten my paragraphs to the best of my ability without messing with the structure. (Not sure if I did okay, but I can do more editing later.)

I hope someone out there enjoys my story. (Even if it happened to be just one person.) If you're a writer, then you know that having someone read your story is a seriously BIG deal. They make your day.

And I think that's about it. I don't have any update schedule. (What's the point if there's no one reading right?) But I'll keep posting up new chapters anyway, for the love of writing (or is it typing?).

To that one reader that'll make my day (hopefully soon *crosses fingers*) the next chapter, I dedicate to you.

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