Chapter 7

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"Dammit HD. What part of 'subtle' don't you understand?" Ricky hissed as guards rang alarms outside the Galia castle.

"Sorry." HD whispered sheepishly.

"Why did they have to come again?" Sunny asked as she looked at the twins. "Uncle Richard said it was only going to be the two of us."

"They wouldn't take no for an answer." Ricky grumbled.

The four of them were crouched down low in between rosebushes and shrubs. It had been difficult getting in; the walls weren't exactly easy to climb. They would have been successful if HD hadn't had to holler as he fell, face first into a bush. Guards were running past them until one halted a few feet away from their hideout.

"I don't think he can see us." HD whispered.

The guard looked in their direction and raised his sword.

"They're over here!" The guard alerted his comrades.

Way to go, HD.

Ricky glared at HD who was suddenly interested in astronomy, since he was gazing intently at the stars.

Ricky knew they were outnumbered, so they had no choice but to surrender. If they ever got out of this, he swore he'd throttle HD with his bare hands.

Guards began surrounding them at all sides, so they got up slowly with their hands raised in the air. Ricky noticed the prince as he made his way to stand in front of them, another man by his side.

"Well, looks like we have a witch and Shifters who have seem to have lost their way home." The man beside the prince mused.

None of the four of them answered.

"Why have you come to Galia?" The prince asked sternly.

"You know why." Ricky replied coldly.

"Bring them in. Sam would know how to ask the right questions in our situation to avoid......disagreements." Ezryan said as he turned on his heel and walked off, indicating to follow him.

Guards flanked their sides with their swords pointed at them, so they had no choice but to follow.

Whoever this Sam person thought he was, he'll get a good beating if he went anywhere near Ricky with the intent to harm.

"I'd like to smash this bloody Sam's face if he thinks he'll get me to talk." HD said.

"I'll smash your bloody mouth for getting us in this mess in the first place." Ricky threatened.

The castle halls was bright compared to the outside. It took a while for Ricky to adjust to the brightness that was hurting his eyes. They stopped in front of the prince and the sandy blonde haired man. A platinum blonde girl was now beside them.

In a different situation, Ricky would have enjoyed getting to know the beauty in front of him. Looking into her silver flecked forest green eyes made his inner wolf howl in delight.

"So, where is this big shot Sam you wanted us to see?" HD taunted.

The pretty blonde raised an elegant eyebrow.

"You're looking at her." She said.

Sam's a girl?

Ricky felt dumbfounded at the moment. He had not seen that coming. Even HD had his mouth hanging open.

"Sam's a girl." HD stated dumbly.

Sam rolled her eyes. Her name was actually Samari, but she preferred being called Sam. Like Luke who's name was Lukenson, but liked Luke better.

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