Chapter 14

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Belle was surrounded by white light. It faded until a valley could be seen. Trees were blossoming, white flowers floating down beautifully from the branches. Belle felt at peace. Everything felt serene.

The colors were so vivid and bright. Brighter than anything she has ever seen before. She wanted to skip around the fields for no apparent reason.

She noticed a figure on a hill, sitting underneath one of the trees. She didn't feel afraid as she approached the figure. She felt like she's known this person.

As she neared, she saw that it was an old man with a trailing white beard. He wore white robes, his white hair tied neatly behind the nape of his neck.

His eyes stayed closed as she reached him. She sat down beside him and continued admiring the place.

"You've come here too early, it would seem." The old man spoke.

"Where is here?" She asked curiously. "It's beautiful." Belle said wistfully.

"I'm afraid you can't stay here, my dear. Don't let the tranquility tempt you so. You still have a lot more to do."

Belle frowned. Who in their right mind would want to leave this place? After the whirlwind of emotions she had felt before, she was at peace once again. She was Simple Belle.

"I know it's been hard on you. But you must endure. You were born for greatness. You were born to make a change."

Belle sighed. What changes could a girl like her make?

"Who are you?" Belle asked.

Sure, she didn't mind not knowing who the old man was, but she wanted to change the subject.

The old man finally opened his eyes. They were silver and gold flecked gray. They smiled as he answered.

"My dear girl. I'm your grandfather."



Ezryan looked up from the table they gathered around. That voice was Belle's. It sounded so faint, so weak.

Something was wrong.

"Something's wrong with Belle." Ezryan announced.

Before anyone could say anything, he Ported to Belle's room. She was sprawled on the floor, a dagger protruding from her back. Blood stained her dress, pooling underneath her. He could hear his heart thundering in his ears.


There was no sound. No acknowledgement. Nothing.

Luke, hurry to Belle's room.

Ezryan rushed to Belle's side. He gently pulled out the dagger and covered Belle's wound with his palm. He willed her skin to stitch itself back together using his energy.

As it healed, he turned her in his arms and searched for a pulse. It was threatening to cease any minute now. Ezryan's heart felt heavy at the thought.

The door flew open and Luke took in the sight. His face paled and he didn't bother hiding it anymore. He walked in, too scared to come any closer.

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