Chapter 29

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A cloaked figure moved past the trees in a blur. It stood still behind a tree before cautiously stepping forward.

"Took you long enough. Were the scouts taken care of?"

"Yes." The vampire rasped. It's red eyes glowing with hunger.

Disgusting creatures.

"Tell the master that the enemy is planning a surprise attack. The details are being kept from everyone save The Emora and his friends. But the master must act fast if he wants the element of surprise on his side."

"Master Jared is glad to have you on his side. He assures that you won't regret joining him, and will reward you greatly." The vampire kicked his lips.

"Don't bother. I'm off the menu. And tell the master a new player has come into the picture. His old mentor."

They heard a branch snap before the sound of footfalls padded away towards the direction of the campsite.

"Looks like you'll be getting a bite tonight after all." The cloaked figure sighed.

The vampire smiled coldly and bowed before dashing off to hunt down his prey.


Belle woke with a start.

As she sat up on her cot, she closed her eyes and focused on her surroundings. She felt her racing heart slowing down to a calmer pace. Then opened her eyes.

The nightmare came back.

Her grandfather told her it could be a premonition. And if it was, only she held the key to changing it.

Belle got up from her cot quietly, trying not to disturb Sunny and Shaeleen who were still asleep. Sam must have gotten up early like she always did.

Belle tightened the laces on her boots before walking out into the cool, crisp air of the early morning.

The sun was already preparing to peek from the east horizon.

A few soldiers could be seen milling about the campgrounds.

Belle felt startled when someone tapped her shoulder, but calmed realizing it was just Sam.

Sam put a finger to her lips and gestured Belle to follow.

Curiously, Belle followed Sam as she led  her to her father's tent. Her father was there, hunched over their attack plans like he usually was. Both of her uncles, Maddie, and her grandfather were fanned out beside him.

Ezryan and Ricky were standing nearby as well.

"Ah, you're awake. Good. So I only have to say this once." Aranide said as he saw Belle and Sam walked in.

His tone prepared Belle for the bad news she was sure she'd hear.

"We may have another spy in our midst." Her father announced.

Everyone held their breath in that moment, afraid that the spy could be outside listening.

He continued. "The scouts we sent were ambushed before they even reached the enemy. The only survivor is recuperating back at Sythel."

"And a general reported one of his men missing. He was on watch last night, and hasn't been seen by his reliever. " Maddie announced.

"We have to assume that the enemy knows all of our plans. And if that's the case, we either try another tactic of surprise or wait for them to strike and we strike back." The old man mused as he stroked his beard.

"Atleast we won't be sitting ducks." Rydien said halfheartedly.

"Either way, time is not on our side. We need to start on another plan. This time, only those that are present will know the details, including a few we trust. But who do we trust?" Aranide frowned.

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