Chapter 28

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Belle struggled to catch her breath.

Her uncle, Rydien, was laying on his back a few feet from where she stood. And he too was panting.

The old man, leaning on his staff, clapped his hands. A wide grin graced his face.

"You are ready." He nodded in approval.

Ricky helped Rydien get up on his feet as Belle sheathed her sword.

Rydien smiled at his niece and gave her a big hug after closing the distance between them.

One week.

It took one week filled with hard work, sweat and bruises, and steel determination.

She had to admit, she was a bit skeptical when he grandfather said she'll learn everything she needed to know in a few days time.

She was skeptical because this was something close to being a crash course.

Belle thought it impossible to know so much in a little time.

But her grandfather merely shrugged it off and said nothing was impossible.

And here she was now, a few days later, stronger in more ways than one.

She bested her uncle, a man known to be one of the most powerful beings in Mendeve.

Three times.

In a row.

"Ha! She did it again! She took down The Emora! Did you see that?" HD guffawed.

Rydien's smile died down as he shot a menacing look in the Shifter's direction.

HD chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck. He turned towards the campgrounds.

"Oh, I'm needed suddenly? Alright, I'm on my way!" HD bolted.

Ace fell to the ground laughing. Ricky shook his head. Belle and Sunny chuckled.

For the past days, everyone has been picking on HD mercilessly. Belle nearly felt sorry for him.


She saw her father approaching them. Ezryan, Luke, Sam, and the other three Faerie royals followed behind.

Their training probably done as well.

I'm so proud of you. She heard her father's voice float in her head.

She smiled at him as he enveloped her in a warm embrace.

Thank you. She sent back.

"I say, this calls for some kind of celebration. Wouldn't you agree, Aran?" Her grandfather suggested.

Aranide's expression grew slightly solemn as he released Belle.

"The scouts we sent still haven't returned. Something's wrong. I'm not sure we should let our guards down just yet."

"Ah, don't be such a bore, Aran. The kids need to celebrate! They all worked hard. They deserve a respite from all of this." Rydien added convincingly.

"We are not kids." Cage huffed as he crossed his arms.

"Says the youngest of the children." Rydien ruffled the boy's hair only to get swatted away.

Her father stood, still looking uneasy about it.

Belle gave him a reassuring smile as she laid a hand on his arm.

"It's fine. We all understand this is no time to fool around."

"Now you're just making me feel bad." Her father frowned.

Everyone laughed mildly.

"Okay. You all can enjoy yourselves for the rest of the day. But always be on guard. Tomorrow, we'll continue with our daily routine."

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