Chapter 17

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Aranide shook his head at the sight before him. Mads looked like a fire breathing dragon. Rydien looked like a child who had his favorite toy stolen from him. And Richard, poor Rich, wanted to be anywhere in the world other than here.

Aranide walked over to the table that was placed in the center of the tent. Rydien made his way to the other side of the table next to Richard. Mads stayed beside Aranide.

He looked around the table at his friends. They've been through a lot together. Good and bad. For some reason, without the two members they lost, thing's looked like they were about to get worse.

And he actually thought that the worst was over back then.

"Richard." He acknowledged his long-time friend across from him. "What news do you have?"

"The Coven Leaders agreed to be there at the summit. The Order of Alterio and Orous will not be attending, but have agreed to follow whatever decisions we make. Even if it goes against the word of The Order of Atheria. The Order of Aeani is sure to side with us, but they can always change their minds. There's no telling with them."

That was somewhat good news. They needed all the people they could get on their side. Even if it meant calling on The Order, who were humans.

But even The Order themselves were better than normal humans. Due to the intense training they undergo, they are molded into deadly warriors from their childhood years to adulthood.

Orphan children, casted out by their own kind, taken in by nomadic Faerie masters who teach them the art of magic. But not being born as a magical being made it harder for them to master a single form of magic. This was why there were only certain things a single person of The Order could do.

Though they had limited magical abilities, they were still strong, fierce, and skilled. They didn't let the lack of magic keep them from doing what they did.

"My last report was of the Aeani Kings, so you know that they are free and so is Aeani itself. But we've been attacked recently. The attack was directed on the secret library, no other places were disturbed. And this happened the night before Belle arrived." Maddie said in all seriousness.

"This is all too much to be a coincidence. The library. The Galian soldier. Belle's demise." Aranide said more to himself than the others.

"We need to keep a close eye on Belle. I'll personally see to it, since everyone else seems to be busy doing something." Rydien offered.

"Well, you are the slacker of the group. Always have been, always will be." Maddie snorted.

Gods not this again.

Aranide could hardly keep his eyes from shooting up heavenward. He had a feeling things would be like this if he put the two of them in the same room. He didn't think it would be this bad though.

Rydien was already about to fire back at her but Aranide raised his hand.

"Enough! We have no time for your bickering." Aranide commanded.

Rydien looked down sheepishly, while Maddie turned in the other direction. Aranide held back a groan of frustration.

"Now. We have Aeani back, but Orous is still in Jared's grasp. Knowing Alterio is dominated by magical beings, he's more likely to move in on Atheria. Especially since he's removed the High Councilmen. One of our priorities at the summit is replacing the council members." Aranide announced.

"I say we should concentrate on going against Jared. What's the use of having a council when there might be war? Jared might very well kill the next batch of council members once they have been appointed." Richard frowned.

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