Chapter 27

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There was nothing but darkness. The only sound was something dripping from above. The only smell, something metallic.

"Belle. NO!"

Belle screamed as she rose.

A pair of strong arms came from behind and held her still. She was about to fight the person off but stilled when she recognized Ricky's voice.

The dream. If felt too real. It felt so real that a tear had escaped and trailed down her left cheek.

They died. Everyone. Died.

Trying to stop her.

Ricky tightened his grip when she let out a shuddering sob.

She couldn't face him. She still felt the effects of her nightmare.

She felt him rest his head on her shoulder. Still holding her close like he had always done when she was like this.

"Shh. I got you. I'll always be here for you." He comforted her and placed a kiss on her temple.

Belle sagged back in relief. Still flustered to think of anything but the comfort Ricky was giving.

They sat for a long time on the cot like that. They didn't realize how long until the tent flap opened.

"Good- " Ezryan froze in his place when he saw Ricky embracing Belle.

"Morning." He trailed off.

Belle didn't want to look in his eyes. Not after seeing what she saw in her dream.

"Hey Rick. Oh." HD stopped in his tracks as he strode in. "Really? Again?"

Ricky let out a low growl before gently releasing Belle.

"What is it?" Ricky asked, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his tone.

"Rydien said to hurry. Belle's going to be with her grandfather." HD answered uncomfortably.

He wasn't uncomfortable because Ricky was mad.

HD felt uncomfortable because Ricky and Ezryan were having another stare down.

The tension between them was nearly tangible, Belle shifted on her cot.

"You all better get going then. Unless you want to push my uncle's patience." Belle tried to joke.

The two exchanging glares didn't seem to have heard her. They were still silently challenging each other.

"Enough!" Belle raised her voice.

That seemed to have done the trick because Ricky and Ezryan finally looked her way.

Both of them, different yet so alike. Like two sides of the same coin.

"Well, go on." She ushered.

Ricky placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'll check in on you."

Then turned and left, HD tailing after him.

Ezryan still stood in the same spot.

Unsure of what to say, Belle looked at him questioningly.

Ezryan shook his head out of his temporary trance and looked down on his boots.

"I just wanted to look in on you. I'll be leaving now."

Ezryan turned and went out the tent.

Belle felt her heart clench at the sight of him leaving. She wanted to stop him from leaving. Wanted him to stay.

But she let him go.

It's better this way. She thought to herself.

She dropped herself on the nearby chair and braced her head with her hands.

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