3. Making Preparations

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Looking over my desk, is the first step after dressing this morning

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Looking over my desk, is the first step after dressing this morning. The time I sent the letter, the Queen of Wolves should have received it before to late.

Not seeing any letters, I sign off on two items. The only thing to do for now is wait for Malik to come in, in order for us to go speak with the wild wolves.

It is just best to have him with me as he is my most trusted friend and advisor.

"Where do you need me?" Malik's voice comes from the door, just as I sign off another paper.

"Join me in talking with the wilds?" I stand from the desk.

Malik nods and moves to let me walk past the door.

"I am hopeful to hear back from the Wolf Queen soon. The dragons are starting to worry and many won't roam freely. Not in solitude currently with all of this happening. So far none have been killed, just injured. That is the issue at hand, my people can live freely and the roaming alone is a vital part for our spirits."

"Will you send another letter if the Queen does not repsond?" Malik questions, keeping up with my pace easily.

"I will have too. It is the best solution in the matter. We don't need to go elsewhere for help, as this is with the wolves alone. If I retailate against the wilds then the Queen can start war."

"It is an under meaning thing, having to think of every possible way." Malik shakes his head.

"There is always many different scenarios that can play out at any given time. You know that from all the times you heard my father speak when I was in training for this." I let out a small chuckle.

Malik and I have been friends since small and been through many things together. That is why if I don't find my mate and have an heir, Malik and Kaida's child will be heir. That is when they have a hatchling. Many times with our lifespans, we don't hurry to reproduce but prefer to spend time with our mates for many years before creating a family.

One final step to the dungeons the fetid smell is always a slap to the face. Our dungeons are full of the wilds that have been caught. If this situation is not solved soon, then I will run out of room to place any more.

It may be within my right to dispose of them for harming my people, but once again the factor of war looms over me if I were to do so. This is why the letters to the Queen would be simple, I just need a reply to do so.

Malik steps up the the cell the holds the newest wilds.

"Why do you trespass onto Dragon land?"

I watch the wild, as he laughs before falling the the ground.

"Just want to have a little fun." A different one answers.

"You believe it is fun to be attacking another species? At the cost that means your life." I step up watching for any form of emotion or movement.

"Why not?" The man shrugs.

"We are finished here Malik. They are not talking once again with anything worthy." I turn and walk out of the dungeons.

"You were close to losing it." Malik catches up.

"Yes, my self restraint was breaking. For a wild just to answer 'Why not?' just over some fun. No, there is something bigger and I need to figure this out."

We make our way to my office and I search the desk once again. This time the gold has been hit, with a letter with the Royal Wolf stamp. The Queen has responded, now to see if she is willing to take this matter seriously.

I get to making up another letter, in explaining the current predicament. Once I have it wrote out, do I open the reply letter and read over it. The Queen is concerned, so the letter I have already wrote is for the best.

Adding to the letter that I would appreciate if she could make the trip to where we can discuss this matter that I have wrote out. As well as, see to the wilds that I currently have in the dungeon. If she wishes to dispose of them then that is her call that I will be happy to help elimate if she allows.

Even on my land, they are under her control. So, even if she says to dispose of the wilds I must still ask to be apart of like I wish to be. These wilds have injured many of my people and a few are unable to take flight again in their spirit form.

I seal the letter then stamp it and get it out for deliver quickly.

"What has your pep going?" Malik studies me.

"The Queen replied and is willing to help with the issue at hand. I have invited her onto my lands to see first hand the damage the wilds have caused, and to see the wilds for what she deems to do with them."

"Terrific news. When will the Wolf Queen arrive?" Malik pulls a phone out.

"I anticipate tomorrow, based on when she will recieve the letter. Add in making preparations to travel and that time in itself."

"I will let Kaida know. As she holds the say over the dinner meals with you not having a mate. How would you like for the banquet to be?" Malik starts typing on the phone.

"Elegant preferably, as this is the Queen of Wolves." I think over, and go with the obvious.

"Done. I will get someone to prepare a room for her."

"No, I shall do it myself. Although, it may be wise to have one extra room made next to the one she will be occupied in. It would be reasonable if she brought someone with her with this matter." The strong urge to make sure the Queen is set up myself strikes me deeply.

Malik nods and goes to find someone to help ready the second room. While I grab the items to stock the best guest room we have. It makes no sense to me, but even Ezekiel pushes the same feelings.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Is it odd how Cohen feels the need to fix the guest room himself?

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Will Harlow be able to get something coherent out of the rogues when she arrives?

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