27. Pride

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"I, Charles, challenge you Queen Harlow of Wolves for you throne

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"I, Charles, challenge you Queen Harlow of Wolves for you throne."

Those words cause my mind to race with to many thoughts worth trying to stop. My first response was to check Harlow, who is still in spirit form. She looks unphased by the challenge that just got spoken, instead she looks more than ready.

I have the trust and faith in her that she is more than strong enough to defeat this rogue. It is the thought of this rogue causing even a scratch on her makes me unsettled.

There is nothing I can do about her being challenged, I dare not step in the way. As if I do, it would be seen as a disgrace to her and telling others I don't trust my mate.

Not only the fact this is wolf on wolf, there is not much I could do even being her mate. All due to the partial fact we have not had our mating ceremony to show us being mates to everyone, even if they already know. It is not official to every supernatural that could search on the papers.

A few of the dragon guards step up and help to make sure the helping rogue didn't leave until informed to do so. Czar makes a move to step out in between Harlow and the rogue, almost like a buffer.

"Our Queen has been challenged for her throne. Queen Harlow do you accept this challenge here today in front of everyone on the field?" Czar stops to look at her with something in his eyes, almost a sad but trusting look.

Harlow gives a nod of her wolf head.

Czar turns back to the rogue. "You, rogue Charles, know that if Queen Harlow wins she will determine your fate?"

"Be that as it may. The challenge will speak for itself with the rightful one coming out the victor. She is the one I challenge, as no right Queen should mate with an outside species."

That right there! It is his reasoning.

Czar shows a brief look of anger over his features with the reasoning behind this challenge.

"That is no reason for a challenge. No species can determine who their mate shall be as it is above our hands." Czar seethes to the rogue.

Harlow lets out a small growl. It seems to help Czar gain control with the simple communication.

"No matter. The issue has been challenged and accepted." With that Czar steps back to where I stand off to my side.

Harlow awaits as the rogue shifts back into spirit form. As it is part of their nature and ruling to fight a challenge within the strongest form.

Harlow moves one step closer to the rogue and stops. She simple sits on her hind legs and it confuses me to no end as to why she just done such a manner.

The rogue takes slow calculation steps towards Harlow. He slowly begins to circle her. My guess either sizing her up or taunting her one, trying to show he has more strength. I see it as him tiring himself out prior to the main fighting.

Not a breath later, the rogue jumps towards Harlow with his teeth open aiming for her throat. With grace and speed Harlow waits until the last second to move, her teeth sinking into his shoulder. With a fast move of her head, she throws a piece of hid away.

My breath hitches as the rogue growls out and turns for her again. Harlow is letting him stay close to her, as she dodges and rips at him even more.

Harlow's claw sinks into the rogues side and slices through with ease, causing the rogue to howl out in pain. It doesn't stop him, as he comes at her teeth bared and claws out. Harlow moves to dodge his teeth that aimed for her throat once more, but his claws slide down her front leg. Her blonde fur turning crimson red right after.

Ezekiel fights to come out with the mere sight of our mate injured. If I shift now it could cause her to lose focus, meaning the challenge could be over or worse. I can't let him out competely, but I give just enough room for him to be able to be up front with me. Knowing my eyes have changed to his forms, I take in a silent deep breath, to calm us both with what is currently happening.

Harlow still has the upper hand comparing injures between the two.

Within no time, Harlow lets out a booming growl. Right after she starts swiping at the rogue with her claws and snapping her teeth at him.

Before my eyes, Harlow pounces at the rogue and rips through his back. Thus causing the rogues legs to buckle under him, while she moves to stand on his paws. Her jaw wraps around the rogues neck and I can tell the slight pressure she holds him down with her teeth.

One simple bite down or shift of her head and she will kill him. It seems to be a slow pace, but with each passing second she bites down harder. Watching the blood seep from the injure she is causing to him, it is clear she is making him submit so that the challenge is officially over with her winning fairly.

She was toying with the rogue all along, making him tire out and gauging how he fought. Harlow had this the entire time as he truly was no match in strength wise against her.

It is visible when the rogue submits to Harlow, as he slumps to the ground instead of trying to push up. The rogue lets out a defeated howl, which causes Czar to step up with a weapon shooting a dart to his neck. Making the rogue pass out to be transported to the dungeon, where there is a special cell to chain him up in.

Harlow removes her teeth and stands facing the wolf warriors. They all bow on their front legs to her, with their necks showing. Even the dragon guards here are on their knees and necks showing to her. It fills me with pride they know she is their Queen as well, already without the formalities of the ceremony.

I remove my shirt and Harlow shifts a moment later. I assist with placing the shirt on her and she takes my hand.

"You are released to go back to your mate." Harlow looks to the rogue that helped.

"Thank you my Queen. I am forever in your debt for helping me escape this rogues holds." With that the rogue takes off to the woods.

"Let's get you to the house and that claw mark cleaned." I whisper to her, as she nods letting me lead her the way back.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Cohen was sweating some wasn't he?

What will they do now that the challenge is over and she didn't kill the rogue?

What will they do now that the challenge is over and she didn't kill the rogue?

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