20. Rarely Ever Had

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"I don't understand the lettuce still

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"I don't understand the lettuce still. We even eat the leafy green." Cohen truly looks confused.

"This is true, but after eating it what do you drink right after? Milk, it is because your bodies know it needs something to help counter react it. Most of the time you drink something different from plain water, because your systems can't tolerate much in large amounts internally. It is different when used for wounds and even the flushing kits your medical staff use are not a water base solution."

"How do you know all of this?" Cohen's mouth hangs open.

"My parents were large on knowing all to know when it came to helping others. My mother used to work within the medical side and she always talked about helping more than just the wolves." I give a sad smile.

"I have been told to be a good ruler that I must learn everything I could. I had many times of being alone that learning knowledge helped to fight the feeling of loniness."

The medical staff finally bring in the supplies I had asked for. Something they should have been faster on retrieving. If they are this slow and unobservant than it is something I truly want to help Cohen to fix. Medical teams should be alert and move in a fast manner, not as if they move like turtles.

Once I get it all set up, Cohen excuses them and tells them we will alert them if we need anything further. Which I will to teach them them proper care for their own once I finish this.

"I am going to work on this one first, then we will go one by one repeating the process. If it gets to where you need a break, please inform me and I will be glad to let you relax."

"Thank you for this and please just do what you need to do." The guard tries smiling once again.

I take ahold of the syringe and fill it with the milk. I move slowly and watch for any jerking movements the guard may make. I don't every actually prick his skin with the needle but close to where the milk glides into the wound.

Not a second later, the guard lets out a long exhilerated sigh. It must feel like a relief and no longer a burning feel. It is a wonderful feeling to know that hopefully this will help relieve the pain.

Cohen watches every move I am making and I see him remove a bandage opppsite of me and follows the same motions I am.

Once I am satisifed with the progress, I grab the flushing kit. With gentle strokes I use the alcohol to remove the excess milk from the wound, to reclean it. To which Cohen repeats on the other side. The guard sucks in air, as it is a painful expereince for a flushing kit.

We rebandage his wounds that have been cleaned. Even though they are already starting to heal, which sends a smile on my face. We watch together as the guard slowly closes his eyes, seeming to finally get a peaceful rest that is much needed.

Cohen and I gather the supplies and place it back into the sterile container and walk outside of the room.

"That was a learning experience. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, as I have said I want to help and if he was never able to fly again he would need much more help. Our spirits need to be able to be let out and even if the recovery is long and hard he will one day fly again. That is all I am looking forward too is being able to see him take off and be free. As I could not imagine not being able to let Chantria out for a run."

Cohen guides me to another room within a few feet. He knocks and we enter after hearing a gruff, 'Come in'.

The guard once again bows his head and greet, but doesn't seem to be in pain like the previous guard. Which tells me his wounds are not in a senstive area around his head.

Cohen goes through the spill again with me being his mate, and the guard is more than happy to let me walk up to him.

This guard is so eager he starts pulling his bandages off his arms.

"Please, we can do that so not to hurt yourself further." I finally speak up.

"Gentle soul. Thank you my Queen." The guard smiles.

Cohen and I step up and move the pieces of bandage he already removed. Working as a team we go through the steps.

"That sure does feel so nice." The guard sighs.

This one seems like a character in himself, very vocal on what he does and doesn't like. The guard is fast asleep as we place clean bandages over the sites.

Cohen helps to clean up the mess and we exit the room. Throwing our supplies in the proper bins.

"Are these two the only severe cases like this?"

"Yes, the others wounds are healing at faster speeds." Cohen nods.

"I want to know how the rogues succeed in doing something like this to the guards. They must have seeped their claws into some form of mixture or attached bits of lettuce that would last in order to inflict those injures. Just let me get ahold of the ones responsible." I shake as my anger returns in max form.

Cohen wraps his arms around me and it seems to slowly help the anger settle to where I don't shake.

"We will find them together and I am right there with you on this." He kisses my head.

"How are you so calm?" I huff.

"I am far from it. It is something I have learned to channel so not to cause damage prior to things be completed."

Nodding my head, I try to focus on everything going on. Guess there is still things I do need to learn, but anger is surprising one thing I have rarely ever had in my lifetime until currently.

"Are there anymore guards here to see or do we move onto the individuals within their homes?"

"There is one other currently here from the last attack." Cohen answers, already guiding me to the room since he knows what I would like to do.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Is it good to see them personally visiting the injured?

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