14. Your Wish Is My Command

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Should I have lost it back there? Probably not, but at this point I am beyond caring

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Should I have lost it back there? Probably not, but at this point I am beyond caring. They want to play this game, than I am willing to make this painful on them. No matter what it takes, we will get to the bottom of this and if torture is the way so be it.

Any creature that wants to play this game desereves it. They should recieve the same if not worse than what they inflict on others.

Maybe it is the tiredness causing me to not have a care about their treatment. Once they give us the information they just become wolves that harmed others. I can't just let them go still, so they need to be an example in some way.

I know being the Queen I should be more level headed. This just can't be taken lightly and I am trying to figure out how to send the message that this is a serious matter. They are in the dungeons of the Dragon's, so it is not like I have my wolves here and they need to know I inflicted this and not the Dragons.

"You're spinning Harlow." Czar's voice speaks up from behind.

I pull from Cohen's embrace, missing it a heartbeat later. "There is much to think on. Whether to make examples of them or not. Then not to mention the last phrasing the rogue gave."

"How would we show it to our people though? They are not on this land to bare witness."

"That is my thoughts, there is still that to figure out. The rogues can't get away with this and will be punished no matter, it is just finding the right one. Currently, I am leaning for the latter on just ending them once we get the why to them attacking dragons." I go back to walking.

"Harlow, you need rest. Never have you spoke so harsh other than during times of exhaustion. Why don't you rest, then we can come back to this?" Czar looks at me worriedly.

I shake my head and Cohen wraps me back up. Part of the tired leaves when he touches and it is the best thing ever all over again.

"We will retire to our chambers. Thank you." Cohen speaks up for the first time since leaving the cells.

Czar and Malik take a step back and let us head into the house first. Cohen and I don't see Zalia or Kaida, as I feel they are likely in the kitchen since it seems to be what they both love to do.

Cohen guides us up the stairs and opens the door, allowing me to slip in then himself. "Would you rather get some sleep or discuss the wilds?"

"That is a hard choice. If there were a way allowing us to do both at the same time. There is one thing I do need to know before proceeding with anything further with the rogues. Do you want them killed for attacking your people?"

Cohen rubs his neck. "Death for them would be the most obvious thing, as it seems they have not been forced. If that were the case, wouldn't they being speaking about it freely and begging for us to hear them out instead of the phrases they have answered to the commands?"

"That is not part of what does not make any sense to me as well. Under command they should have been more open. None of this seems natural, sure we are calling them 'unstable' but are they truly that."

"What if something else is holding over them that is stronger than your rule?" Cohen tilts his head.

"That wouldn't be possible. They are still wolves and those spirits only listen to me. I have believed it to be the fact they are the lowest of our kind and not truly within a pack to make their bond stronger. A wolf spirit craves the structure unless they are truly unstable, which would cause this to happen. Even with this they should be answering on the easier side of things. Who would want to cause us to be at war though? The wolves don't hold any current enemies."

"Nor the dragons. None of this can be thrown out into the pasture either though, as it still could be of slightest chances. We just have to mark it off once we get full proof."

It has been centuries since the last time there has been a war between the species. Just from that war alone there was a treaty put in place. It was from that day that my grandfathers before me done up and the species kept to ourselves and land that was divided on that day in our history.

"Could it just be someone within our lands wanting to cause issue? It doesn't necessarily mean that it has to be an outside species." Cohen sighs, standing by a chair.

"The phrase or riddle, what have you, makes it seem as if there is someone else within the play of all of this. My thing would be why are rogues attacking dragons? It makes no sense for wolves to attack dragons and my kind be in the clear of harm either. Just the set up of wolves coming for dragons and making it look like it was a higher call, which I have never call upon."

Cohen walks back to where I stand by the bed, he looks to me and then to it. My insides come to a boil with the one sheer look.

"I think it is about time you and I come together and focus on something else at hand. Senses how I am to tired to focus on this mess we are in, let us make a different mess. That is if you are for it?"

Why should he even ask? I crash my lips to his and he goes to lead me to the bed.

"No standing, take however you want other than laying down." I moan against him.

"Your wish is my command, my Queen." Cohen smirks.

Hey Hey Guys!!!

Are they trying to hard to figure this out?

Could it be the time coming up with them having that time together?

Could it be the time coming up with them having that time together?

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