5. First Time In Decades

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Banging on the door wakes me abruptly

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Banging on the door wakes me abruptly. Throwing the bedding off, I make a dash for the door.

Malik stands there in just about nothing. "We have a breach. Wilds are coming in from a different direction. We have three dragons injured as they were walking instead of flying."

I take off in a run down the hall, with Malik on my heels explaining. My mind knows we must get out to help our people.

"Which side?"

Malik runs off and it is enough to tell me the way. Letting Ezekiel come up to the front, we shift and push off the ground to get there in record timing.

Within seconds, a total of eleven wilds are circling around one of my dragons on the ground. It is clear the night guard can't fly currently with the damage to one of the wings. Even in natural form the guard will have severe wounds to his back area on the side.

A rage fills me that another dragon is harmed. Letting out a loud growling screech. My throat burns as smoke streams from my nostrils. Ezekiel lets our fire out and encircles the wilds, trapping them.

Malik is in spirit form and we dive down together, using our talons to lift the guard. Taking the guard to safety from being entrapped with the wilds.

We slowly lay the dragon guard down on the ground then move off to the side. Ezekiel falls back slightly to where I shift back quickly .

I rush to the guard, as he tries to shift out of spirit form but is having troubles with the pain.

"Try to relax for a slow shift, my dragon. Don't rush to fast shift, take it nice and slow." I calmly touch my dragon guard.

I keep myself calm so the guard can feel my energy to help him shift back in order to get him into the medical rooms. We don't need to treat him out in the open due to infection risks increase and the scales would not let the appropriate medication to be administered. Thus, causing more pain I don't wish on any of my fellow dragons.

"That's it." I coach him, as he almost is back to normal form.

A few guards shows up right when the one I am heping is finished shifting. Shake of my head stops them from advancing. If they was to distrub this shift, then he will start over again due to his spirit is not in the right state to understand threat from friend.

I watch as the last scale is gone and the guard is in normal form. I pat his good arm.

"You done very well my friend." I wave up at the doctor I spot.

"He has wounds that need tending too. Please keep me informed on how he is doing at all times." The doctor nods and gets to work.

"I will be back to check on you personally." I calmly tell the guard, who is in evident pain.

I stand and Malik stands with more guards.

"Get the wilds and put them in the last open available cell within the dungeon."

They nod and get to the order I issued.

"Cohen, it is just came in that a car is arriving about twenty minutes out. It is believed to be the Wolf Queen." Malik catches my attention.

"Can you dress and greet her? I need to see to the wilds are in the cell. Please ensure she is accomdated for and that she knows she is free to rest and refresh. As for her to be here now means the Queen traveled all night."

"Of course. I will see to it." Malik shifts and takes off for the house to dress properly for greeting.

Moving over, I assist the guards in rounding up the wilds. We get them into the dungeon with no complications.

The one cell snatches my attention. The guard grabs the wild in my hands and places him within the cell they were to go in. My eyes go over the cell that has my focus.

It is covered in blood. Every single wild but one is dead. This is the very cell that Malik and I spoke with earlier. Now four wilds lay dead and the one left standing never spoke earlier, but is now covered in their blood. It is apparent he is the one that killed the fellow wilds with him.

"What is the meaning of this?" I growl out, with Ezekiel joining me partially.

The wild says nothing with my command. The only movement I recieve is his head slowly moving up to where he looks me straight in the eyes with an evil smirk plastered on his face.

The Wolf Queen is not going to like this. How am I to prove none of my dragons had nothing to do with this.

"No one is to touch or go near this cell." I point to the cell in front of me.

I am met with a round of 'Yes Highness' from the guards that will be stationed here today.

I run out of the dungeon and straight for the house. Only stopping to grab shorts and a shirt before exiting the cells.

The only thing to do currently is get a shower. The last thing I prefer is to smell of the dungeons when meeting the Wolf Queen.

A smell waffs around me, it is a strange mix of lavendar and cherries. Must be a new cleaning solution being used as things are different when another Royal is here to visit.

Malik stands outside my door. "The Queen is ready to meet when you are."

"Please let her know I will meet in ten minutes. Let her in the office to where it is the best place to hold a proper meeting. You need to be with me during, because there is something new that I just found in the dungeon."

"That bad?" Malik sighs, as he must have picked it up from my face.

"You got it." He walks down the stairs to the guest quarters.

Taking an quick shower, I dress and make my way to the office. The same scent following me the entire walk to my office.

For the first time in decades Ezekiel speaks up. "Mate."

Hey Hey Guys!!!

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