Bonus Chapter ❤️

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50 years later

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50 years later...

"Want any more cake?" I lean back against Cohen with the plate in my hand.

"No, you enjoy."  Cohen rubs my arms and I start eating the sweet dessert.

The world has changed and we have embraced it with open arms. Even though things have changed and technologies have grown our pack has flourished. One can be said for the technologies of cell phones makes it nice for keeping up to date faster with others around the world rather than letters.

Our meadow has stayed the same and a safe haven for Cohen and I. Though currently I am not able to shift into my wolf she is calm and been silent within my mind for several months now.

"What kind is that? It smells different from any of the others you have eaten."

I hum and swallow the rich soft cake. "This is a vanilla frosting with a coconut flake chocolate cake."

The slice is devoured quickly and Cohen places the clean plate back into our basket. A small pout wants to make way on my face since it went to quickly but moreso I crave a good rabbit. Darn for not being able to shift and hunt one like I've done before many of times in our meadow.

"Not satisfied?" I can feel Cohen's smirk within the words.

"No." I sigh and he moves so I sit up and not leaned against him.

"Now what could it possibly be you are wanting?" He kneels down in front if me and sure enough smirking.
Honestly, he looks tasty too but still not like the rabbit I wish to eat to satisfy my stomach the still seems to be demanding it. "I can smell your arousal you know?"

I shrug. "Well you asked what I wanted." I'll let him know half of what I want.

"Really because this has been your craving for months." He holds up a bowl and once the lid is removes the scent of barbecued rabbit fills my nose.

"Please?" I smile wide and before I can move towards him he hands me the bowl and a fork.

"Like it's really a question." Cohen shakes his head.

"Want any?" I offer since there is plenty to share.

"No, I'm full from lunch and the roast you barely touched."

It's true if it isn't the meat I crave currently my nose turns up to it sadly. So at lunch an hour back I pushed all my roast to Cohen.

"How did you get this? Rabbits are hard for you to catch in dragon form."

Cohen nods. "Yes but not for Czar."

I laugh and Cohen gets back behind me and leans me against his chest. His hands rub my rubs and the back of my neck while we watch the grass blow in the wind and storm clouds on the horizon form.

Times may be returning once more with uncertainty. There is unrest forming across various packs and whispers on the wind of turns happening of some of the rogues working together once more.

An unrest that has came with the knowledge of our future heir. Cohen's hands rub my bump as our baby kicks in return.

Our first child that has stolen our hearts already and not even born for another couple of months. We don't know if the child will be dragon or wolf or maybe even both.

"Our son is strong." Cohen kisses my cheek as I place the empty bowl down.

"Could be a girl." I turn my head and smile at him.

"We shall find out soon."

I nod and think back to when we found out of the baby. So many were unsure how we were going to be capable of it but it is easy as being wolf I have babies human way.

"Ready to go back home?" Cohen whispers and I nod.

He helps me stand and I hold the basket adding in his clothes to the bag before placing it on my back as Cohen shifts into his magnificent dragon. He lays down and I carefully climb up his front leg onto his back before he takes to the sky.

We make it home and land within minutes and Cohen shifts back while I throw him his pants back but let him stay blissfully bare chested.

"Now time for my dessert." Cohen smirks and picks me up. He carries me all the way to our chambers and it makes me happy that everything is quiet with the others out so no one seen us in the hall or stairs trying to stop us to get something signed or spoken on. This is still just our time together.

Things may seem impossible but they are not and I'm excited to see what our future holds.

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