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I'm so tired, I can't write more.
Hope you like this, I'm absolutely drained👍

The morning wasn't easy either.

As Nathalie got up she instantly regretted living another day because she remembered that it wouldn't just be her and Gabriel in the office.
Someone else would also be present, unfortunately.

But she couldn't let this break her down once again, so acting as if she was fine, the woman rolled over to her side and shook awake her still sleeping, boss.

"Sir! Sir...wake up!" Nathalie whispered softly, not at all waking up the man, in fact only making him more sleepy. "SIR!" She now shouted instantly alarming the grey haired man who in a split second woke up.

"WHAT?!" He jumped "Is everything alright? Are you hurt Nath?"

"Oh no." She laughed looking at his concerned face "I simply wanted to wake you up...it's time for work."

"Ugh." Gabriel rolled his eyes before burying his face in a pillow and grabbing the assistant beside him as if she was some plush animal.
"I don't want to do this, and neither do you."
He stretched up in bed, lifted his face, and brought Nathalie into his arms. "Right?"

"Right." Her depressed voice agreed with his "But we don't have a choice."

The woman sighed alongside her boss who knew she was right and hated it, but it's not like now they could change anything, the contract has been signed and Tom therefore officially became a part of their business, so even though neither of them wanted to, they simply had to accept it.

And so without any further arguing, Nathalie freed herself from the designer's arms and sat on the edge of the bed.

"It's better if we just get it over with." said she whilst hesitantly standing up "After all it's not like I could ever forget him anyway."

With that, the assistant was about to enter the bathroom, but right before she could Gabriel grabbed her wrist and sprung her back around, so now they were staring at each other.

"That's true, but if he dares to-"

"-I know, I know" she cut him off "If he dares to touch me then I will ask for your help."

"Not just that Nath but I also want you to tell me how each day went and what he did at work because I have this strange feeling that he wants something other than you, after all, why would he just randomly start working for me? I bet his last jobs weren't paying too bad either." He explained to which his assistant smiled and unexpectedly hugged the grey haired man.

"Thank you, sir, I'll be careful." She exclaimed in such a cheerful mood that it even brought a smile onto the cold-hearted man's face who suddenly didn't even notice how protectively he laid an arm around her, and how caringly he ran his fingers through her hair.

"You better be!"


After getting dressed and prepared for the day Nathalie adjusted her work attire whilst she waited for her boss to put on his blazer, and after that, they could finally head downstairs.

However, as she was waiting she couldn't help but notice how her boss didn't exactly tie his tie the correct way so without wanting to bother him much she walked over to the man and was about to reach up to fix the piece of fabric when the bedroom door flung open causing the assistant to flinch and accidentally poke Gabriel's eye instead.

"Ow fuck!" He cursed, but before Nathalie could've apologized the blond boy's voice cut her off.


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