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Well well well, look who's alive.
Yeah, I really acted like Emilie for a couple of weeks...mostly because I was...busy...and didn't have the energy or the ideas to write.
But now...I should be saying I got better however realistically I didn't.
Ummm I'm not so sure of when I'll update anything-...I'll just try my best to write-...sooo-...uhm...enjoy the very horrible updates.
Love you all❤️

"S-sir, I didn't m-mean it l-like that." She stuttered an apology.
After all the assistant didn't intend to make her superior so furious.
She only wanted to explain herself, but now everything had gone wrong.

The grey haired man became furious, talking loudly and throwing his hands around carelessly, not even his best employee knew what to do.
Nathalie just stood there, frozen in time as if she'd never seen him like this before, though she has, the woman just didn't quite know what to do.
She simply had to listen to all the yelling and shouting before she could attempt to move closer.

"No matter what you do you'll never be able to escape this curse of a household!" Gabriel raged on, not even noticing how scared he got his fiancée.
"Manipulators!" He yelled "They are all two-faced evil people! A-and they are my o-own parents...wow...I'm deeply ashamed. They've made me this horrible creature that I am today...a-and I can't even help it. I can't fix myself. Now I'm just stuck being a mean, old, grumpy man who according to everyone is selfish, self centered and ignorant towards others...that's me...your fiancé darling."

"Oh Gabe-" Nathalie was crying.
She'd never seen her husband talk so badly about himself, and the fact that she's heard many more people talk like this about him absolutely tore her soul into shreds.

The assistant at this point didn't even know how to act or what to reply, she simply shook her head vigorously and quickly rushed to wrap her arms around the designer.

"You love me Nath?" Gabriel glanced down at his assistant "For who I am?" He scoffed "This terrible, terrible 'thing'."

"Gabriel you aren't just a 'thing'." Nathalie interrupted "...and you're definitely not terrible. Y-you're great! You're trying! You're really much more than what you think you are."

"Mhm right." Said the man with a sarcastic voice as he didn't believe any of that.
I mean how could he?
Even Gabriel himself knew that he was not great and lots of people had agreed with that statement, so obviously the designer couldn't possibly feel great or even just trust his wife's words, although she meant what she said, because to her he was perfect.

"Gabriel believe me-"

"But how could I?!" He spat, speaking over her voice, carelessly. "...how could I when people seem to share the common idea that I'm not worth much. Only an overrated, lucky guy who is getting sponsored by Audrey Bourgeois."


"Oh but isn't that right? I mean even to me it sounds like the truth."

"GABRIEL! For fuck's sake listen!!" The assistant shouted "I don't care at all about what the press or news think about you, in fact I don't even care what this family thinks of you. I
solely care about my own opinion and perspective, which if you're wondering are the complete opposite as to the media's.
I don't think that you're a random lucky guy, I personally believe that you deserve your fame and that you've suffered enough to be successful in life. I'm glad that you have the job that you have, and I'm also glad that you love what you do. Even if a thousand people say bad things about it, they don't know you as much as I do. They haven't heard your thoughts, your stories, or your experiences. They don't know you at all, they are only judging what they falsely make of you. Now don't let that get to you, I'm not like that. Just because those people have gathered a hate group it doesn't mean that I'm in it, I mean, why would I be? I love you, I don't at all hate you. I want you, us, to be happy, therefore I must love and appreciate who you are.
That's how a relationship works, right?
Surely I must have love and respect for my future husband, otherwise what kind of a wife would I be?"

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