EPISODE 15: "I Love You: The true feelings he revealed too late"

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Shaurya sits and drinks with Lawyer Yash at a bar, wishing he could get drunk

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Shaurya sits and drinks with Lawyer Yash at a bar, wishing he could get drunk. His friend assures him that things will get better with time, but Shaurya tells him that's a lie - he doesn't believe in things like that.

Later, Shaurya sits at home, looking at the pictures in his phone and reminiscing about all his moments with Anokhi Bhalla. Tears run down his face. "Nobody can make me forget her," he says out loud.

(Ahh, my heart!)

Anokhi and Reema attend Anmol's performance at the mall, cheering him on with placards. In another part of the mall, Shaurya follows his sister Kitty as she shops for clothes. He warns her that she has to go back to Canada if her audition doesn't go well, and she pouts, asking why he can't just support her.

He pats her on the head and tells her that she did well, echoing Anokhi Bhalla's words to him as Anokhi Bhalla ironically spots them just then from where she stands on a balcony.

Anokhi watches in shock as the two head off, noticing Kitty clinging to Shaurya's arm. Reema sees what she's looking at and immediately starts cursing Shaurya again. She tells Anokhi Bhalla that she'll set her up on as many dates as she wants, but Anokhi Bhalla declines, saying she's not over all this yet.

In his car that night, Shaurya looks at his hand and remembers Anokhi Bhalla giving him her "Good job!" stamp. He remarks to himself that there's nothing there now - not that he did anything to deserve it. In her apartment, Anokhi Bhalla looks at the stamp and says that if she had known it would be like this, she would have dated doing everything that others do so that she wouldn't have any regrets.

But then she shakes her head : "No. I shouldn't have made any memories with him at all."Still in his hospital bed, Grandpa gets the report about the couple's breakup from Employee Raja, who calls Shaurya scary. However, Grandpa approves of how Shaurya keeps his business and personal life separate.

Anokhi gets through her days by volunteering at the orphanage, taking English classes, and by finally taking those driving lessons she'd been talking about (she's terrible at it, haha).

She spends her days smiling, but sighs when she's alone. Shaurya , too, takes moments out of his busy workday to look at Anokhi Bhalla's picture on his phone.
Employee Raja reminds Shaurya of his lunch date with a chaebol's daughter, and asks if he really plans to marry right away. Shaurya says he's the only Sabherwal descendant, so his grandfather won't stand for him to be single. Employee Raja tells him to consider his options carefully, but Shaurya says his hands are tied.

At lunch with the young woman, Shaurya calmly tells her they'll both have to sign prenups as well as a contract to merge their two companies before they get married.
She's a bit offended that he's speaking so bluntly about all this, and says that after all, marriage isn't business.

He counters that she should know by now that in their world, marriage is strictly business. He tells her it's best that they stop here, since neither can fulfill the other's expectations.In the Sabherwal Mansion, Shaurya 's mother asks Employee Raja if her son went home last night, but he responds that Shaurya didn't because he's been pushing himself far too hard lately. Grandpa says not to worry, since the work won't kill him.

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