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Now that Shaurya has figured out the glaringly obvious truth, he's understandably upset by the betrayal - butShaurya isn't a man who typically acts on impulse

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Now that Shaurya has figured out the glaringly obvious truth, he's understandably upset by the betrayal - butShaurya isn't a man who typically acts on impulse.

So, following a night of plotting, stewing, and shot-putting Anokhi's doll across his office, he calmly asks Anokhi (as Nikky) out to lunch, giving her the opportunity to confess her sins before unleashing the full wrath of his psychological warfare.

After a series of probing questions, she continues to dodge the truth, and - unbeknownst to Anokhi - her dishonesty prompts a disappointed Shaurya to throw down the gauntlet.

While Anokhi is in earshot, Shaurya schedules a meeting with her team, forcing her to rush back to the office where the non-public-transportation-taking Shaurya is already waiting.
He orders her to redevelop the white kimchi ravioli recipe and cut the cost of ingredients by a whopping 20%.

Shaurya is excessively harsh, so much so that Yash calls him out (rather politely) for "uncharacteristic" behavior, which we all know is code for, "You've got the hots for Anokhi but don't know how to express it." For all his handsomeness and suave hair-slicking, Shaurya's flirting techniques haven't advanced beyond playground teasing and pigtail pulling.

Cue a montage of Anokhi making various different ravioli recipes and seeking Shaurya's approval. He's increasingly unimpressed, and by the end of it, he's rejecting her offerings without even tasting them.

Anokhi reaches her limit, and - forgetting that she's supposed to be hiding her identity - she gets all up in his personal space and demands he give her and her food the proper respect it deserves. While she fumes and spits fire at Shaurya , he gets flustered by her close proximity and scuttles away, but not before insisting she continue with her ravioli cooking marathon.

With the Go Food anniversary ceremony fast approaching, Shaurya amps up his petty revenge by asking the-blind-date-formally-known-as-Nikky to accompany him. Anokhi has a list of excuses for why she cannot attend and be his arm candy, butShaurya threatens her with a breach of contract if she fails to appear.

As if the situation wasn't complex enough, she wins the company Mega Hit Award, which - you guessed it - will be presented to her at the anniversary ceremony, and her whole family has been invited. So now she's supposed to attend the party as both Nikky and Anokhi.
Looks like she's going to have to pull the ol' quick change in the bathroom trope and bounce back and forth between being Anokhi and Nikky.

When we cut to the anniversary ceremony, Anokhi is seated at a table withShaurya and Grandpa. She's keeping an eye on the door, so she immediately spots her family when they enter - not that they'd be hard to miss. Anokhi's parents and brother arrive looking like a chaebol family.

In short, it's a fashion disaster, and when Anokhi tries to make a discreet exit, it's hard to say whether she's looking for a private place to ditch her Nikky disguise, or leaving the party out of second-hand embarrassment.

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