Chapter 2: Meeting the cast

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Shirogane pov.
I have another sleepless night behind me... But I stilo have so much paperwork to do before the end of the week. Usually I'm all alone at council room at so early in the hour so I was suprised when door has opened.

- Is president here?

I didn't know this guy, honestly I never seen him before. I'm sure I would remembered him, his white shoulder-length hair maked him look similar to my sister.

- How may I help you?

- I heard from vice-president that you wanted to talk to me so... I'm here.

His voice was uncertain and he seemed worried. That must be this new guy, that would explain why he doesn't recognized me.

- Let's see... You are Akio Minoru right?

- Yes, but I haven't done anything.

- What? Oh, no, that's not why I called you, you can calm down.

Weird... I know he just came to Shuchiin, but he really was afraid of me?

- Really? Judging by way you look at me I thought that I'm in trouble.

- Oh right, just ignore it. My eyes always looks like this, that's becouse of insomnia.

- Ok... So why did you called me?

He changed his attitude immediately. His expression changed to a more relaxed one, he narrowed his eyes and sat down in front of my desk.

- I heard that you have some psychological experience, is that true?

- I wouldn't say "experience", I was attending a course or two.

- Well, that's more than most people in here. Let's make it clear, council needs someone who can see through people and has ability to plan a few steps ahead. We recruit for the position of an advisor of student council. What would you say?

-WAIT WHAT!? I literally came here yesterday and you are offering me a position in council?

- Actually I am offering you the opportunity to apply for this position. We have a few candidates, and we'll make a decision next Wednesday. But would you be interested in it?

He did not have time to answer becouse Ishigami and Fujiwara entered the room.

- Oh, who are you?! Are you this new boy from America?! What's your name?! Why did you came here?!

Fujiwara cried with enthusiasm. Minoru's eyes widened, he seemed really suprised... In fact, every person who met Chika for first time reacts this way. Fortunately Ishigami helped him to handle this situation.

- Slow down Fujiwara, I bet he he's confused enough already.

Then I thought that was good moment to explain him all this mess.

- So, mayby let me introduce our friends. Chika Fujiwara- a secretary of council, and our treasurer Yu Ishigami. Sadly, Shinomiya and Iino couldn't be here today.

Chika wanted to start fireing with questions again, but Ishigami held her mouth to protect Minoru from attack.

- You'll get used to her...

- Let's get back to business..

I said interrupting the Ishigami's explanation

- So, would you like to candidate?

After few seconds he replied kindly.

- I don't think that it would be a thing for me, but I appreciate the offer.

That was something I'd never expected... Why did he refused? I'm certain that everybody else would be happy to be a member of council...

When he left the room Yu, Chika and I exchanged surprised looks.

Akio pov.

I didn't come too far after leaving the room. A familiar voice spoke from behind my back.

- Why you refused?

That was Hayasaka. She appeared out of nowhere, but I wasn't suprised.

- You were eavesdropping?

- It was hard to not hear your conversation. You'r louder than you think. But why you haven't taken this offer? That was a great deal!

- I may look so, but I'm not stupid.

- What do you mean?

- Please don't tell me that person like you doesn't see anything suspicious about it. They don't even know me, and they offering me to join the most important institution in whole Academy?

- What's your point?

- Its obvious. My therapist convinced the director to order the council to invite me to join them. He propably wanted to raise my self-esteem, which is not the highest lately.

- I know that I told it before, and I'll tell it again: you are good.

Finally someone was honest to me. It's easy to tell who is lying and who's not. At least for me. But I decided to ask:

- You knew about this plan, didn't you?

- Shinomiya told me.

- Again, what's the thing between you two? I see you like her but it's diffrent than casual friendship.

Hayasaka looked at me with strange glare. What is she hiding... And why?

- I'm not sure I should tell you this. I need to know you more to trust you in this matter...

- As you wish... But I see you want to talk about it, even if you don't see it yet.

- That's what I really hate about psyhologists... They can read your mind.

Rest of the day went without any problems. But when I came home I had to stand against only person I hate: my uncle.

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