Chapter 20: Why are you here?

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-Yundi- Hello.


-Akio- Nah...

He closed the door and scrathed his head.

-Akio- I really need to sleep I guess... I'm even seeing that dumbass again.

-Yundi (through the door)- Those doors are not soundproof you know?

His face become red, not only of emberresed but also out of anger.
He slowly opened the door and stared at his old rival.

-Akio- What you want?

-Yundi- I heard about everything.

-Akio- What do you mean by "everything"?

-Yundi- Don't be like that, you know what I mean. I guess I'm here to help.

-Akio- Get out before I'll help you loose your teeth.

He tried to close the door again but Yundi blocked them with his shoe.

-Yundi- You need help. She need help. I can't just go.

-Akio- Suddenly you care about our feelings?

-Yundi- I always cared about her! I... Just have done stupid thing...

-Akio- Then go to her! She will kick your face instead of me.

-Yundi- I'm also worried about you.


-Akio- What?

-Yundi- I don't understand why she chose you. But that was her choice and I will respect it. We may not like each others but we have one thing that we both care about. Hayasaka's safety.

-Akio- I don't trust you. You are not getting in nor will stay at my door any longer.

-Yundi- You still don't...

-Akio- Hell, I forgot about watching there!

Akio runned to his window and saw a man in uniform he well knew. He was standing in front of Miyuki's block of flats.

-Akio- Shit!

He striked out of his apartment, tackling Yundi without care.

When he came down he talked to that man.

-Akio- Are you looking for someone?

-Man- Who is asking?

-Akio- (I have to lie) That's my block, I can help you if you are.

-Man- I'm looking for some Miyuki Shirogane, do you know him?

-Akio- Um... No, no one named like this is not living here.

-Man- Impossible. If so who is living under number 3?

Before Akio could make up another lie, he heard a famillar voice.

-Yundi- I am.

-Man- Huh... You are?

-Yundi- Yes, and he is living next to me, right buddy?

-Akio- (Sly one, I have to cooporate) Yeah man.

Akio walked to Yundi and patted his shoulder with false sympathy.

-Akio- So can we help you?

-Man- Um... No, I had to confuse adress.

The man walked away leaving boys alone.

-Yundi- See? I'm not all ba...

He quickly got interrupted

-Akio- Shut your jaws and come.

--------------Back in Apartment---------------

Once they came inside Akio closed the door as quick as he could. He turned around and stared at his rival.

-Akio- Why you told him that?

-Yundi- To protect them. Beside it seemed like you needed help so...

-Akio- Are you an IDIOT?!!

-Yundi- What? Why?

-Akio- Once he will realise you lied to him whole Shinomiya group will be sent to rip your head off!

-Yundi- They won't. Only that Man who was here will have trouble.

-Akio- But Oko will sent someone else, and it will not be so easy to protect them this time!

-Yundi- Whole this thing is one big time bomb! I just tried to gain us some time!

-Akio- Us? So... You really are ready to be a part of this mess?

-Yundi- I know that its only trouble for me, but yes.

-Akio- Why? All you have done yet was cousing pain to all of us since the moment we met.

-Yundi- That's the reason. I almost broke your relation, so now I want to help to keep it save.

Long silent filled the room. Akio was looking down, feeling torn. He hated that man from begining, but now he seemed to have a good intentions.

-Yundi- You look washed-out. You were looking there for whole night, right? Let me take it form here.

-Akio- *Sigh* I wouldn't trust you to allow this but I can barely see... Fine, but if something will happen and you will not do anything, I will not forgive you.

-Yundi- I wouldn't forgive myself then too.

-Akio- ...

-Akio- You are... Good guy.

-Yundi- Thank you.

-Akio- That's awful, it was easier to think you are trash.

-Yundi- I don't know I should feel glad or insulted, but let's say you're right.

Akio slowly walked to his bedroom and closed the door. Just moments later Yundi heard him falling on his bed. He sit next to the window and hold his head with both hands.

-Yundi- Ai... I miss you so much... But now I understand why you chose him... You have this thing in common.

He touched glass and stared at Shiroganes apartment, where lights were all turned off. Only in one window a faint light of smartphone was barely visible.

-Yundi- As you always were protecting Kaguya-sama, he is protecting you with all his forces.

Hayasaka and Minoru: Love From Certain Point of Viewحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن