Chapter 9: Returning and changes

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Akio pov.

Akio was sitting on his bed in new apartment. His life seemed empty when all his friends were in Kyoto but he had to stay. Since few days he was just bored, until now.

-phone message noise-

Akio: !!

It was weird... No one texted him for few days. Maybe one of his friends send him a picture from trip? No. That was something unexpected instead.

Messege was from Kaguya. She was the one who told him what happened.

" Akio, you should mnie about this. Hayasaka was in big trouble, my brother and his mates almost kidnapped her."

Akio dropped his phone. Hayasaka? Attacked? What's going on?

He picked up phone from the floor and continued reading.

" It all started almost ten years ago. My brother Oko secretly ordered her to spy on me, but I don't knows why. She stopped making raports for him and she wanted to retire from her posts, both mine and Oko's. When my second brother Un'yo discovered it he was trying to capture her in Kyoto. Luckly, president and I were able to help her. She is save now and she is coming back to Tokyo. She is no longer under me, so i guess she's happy but still she need support. Please, do it for me and take care of her, she really likes you."

Almost ten minutes later Akio still couldn't even move. Hayasaka told him something about "changes",but that?
The sound of another message woke him from his lethargy. Hayasaka wrote:

"Meet me at Azabu gallery in thirty minutes, we have to talk."

Just few seconds later, he rushed to the Azabu as fast as he could. Akio was too focused on more important business at that moment, but he didn't knew he can run so fast.


He fell to the ground. He was so distracted that he crashed at some girl walking down the street.

Akio: I'm sorry!

He was about to go when he heard an famillar voice.

???: Akio, it's me!

He turned around and seen Hayasaka, but her haircut was really diffrent.

Akio: It's you? I haven't recognize you!

Ai: Yea, that's a long story.

Akio: Kaguya told me what happened, are you all right?

Ai: Sit down, it's a bigger game than I thought.

They sat on the bench.

Akio: Game?

Ai: Look, it was like that.

Ai: Ten years ago Oko ordered me to give him as much information about Kaguya as i can. I refused to do it lately.

Akio: I understand that, that would be like treason.

Ai: Exactly. Un'yo wanted to get whole info I have about his sister, and our friend.

Akio: Why?

Ai: Here's the worst thing. Kaguya's father is really sick. In his age the sickness is lethal. Whole Shinomiya's family empire has one leader. And what will his sons do if the throne will be able to claim?

Akio: Inner war, I get it. But how is that related to this spying?

Ai: Kaguya maybe can't be leader of Shinomiyas, she's too young. But she is important in this game. The one who control her have advantage.

Akio: Kaguya is im danger?

Ai: Perhaps.

Akio: Does she know about it?

Ai: No, and she can't discover it.

Akio: Why?

Ai: Becouse she is ready to escape from her family. She is not ready to live by herself, besides if she would run, they will chase her.

Akio: So what will we do?

Ai: Nothing right now. The storm is comming and we can't stop it.

Akio: What about president? He should know.


Akio: What? Why?

Ai: He is in danger too.

Akio: You think that Oko will use their relationship to manipulate her?

Ai: It's certain. I messed it up telling him about that, so now I'll fix this.

Akio: Then I will help you.

Ai: Do you realise how dangerous can it be? Better stay out of my way.

Akio: So why you told me about it?

The confusion on her face was visible.

Ai: Umm... I'm not sure...

Akio: Admit it, you want my help.

Ai: N-no.

Akio: I understand it. You think that you are strong, and you are right. Theres not much chellenges that can outgrow you. But if human think he is strong, it's hard to admit, that you are not strong enough.

Akio: If that what you are saying is truth, you will need my help.

Ai: ...

Ai: Why you always know what to say...?

Akio: You are good actor, but you can't outsmart me. That's why you need me.

Ai: Well. Ok, we have to prepare.

Akio: Prepare for?

Ai: Here's the problem. Oko is plotting something, I know what he want to achive, but I don't know how.

Akio: Well, we have some time right? Her father is still alive.

Ai: Not for long. Kaguya doesn't know yet but he have no more than a year.

Akio: We will figure something out. But what about you now? What will you do?

Ai: Actually I have lots of money saved during all these years. Only problem is fact that I'm not legal age, and I can't get na apartment by myself.

Akio: So why you won't move to your parents? You said you miss your family attention.

Ai: Impossible. They live too close to Shinomiya main mansion. Besides I need place in Tokyo, after all I still study here.

A weird thought has came to Akio's head.

Akio: Then maybe... Maybe you could move to my place?

Ai: What? You're crazy???

Akio: What's crazy about it? Near school, and you are the one that said WE have to prepare for anything will came.

Ai: But you said you rent studio apartment.

Akio: With a partition wall. I have empty room. Maybe not big, but still.

Ai: Well... I don't know...

Akio: ...

Ai: All right. Let's do it.

Not long after that Hayasaka moved to Akio's place. Maybe both of them are now busy with planning how to save thair friends, but soon they will realise, they are not indifferent to each others.

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