Chapter 13: In the name of rules

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The moment of silence was short, but it felt like an eternity.

Mirin: Wait... Who are 'they'?

Subaru: Yeah, what's going on?

Ai and Akio looked at each other before Minoru stepped forward.

Akio: We are so sorry but we can't...

Suddenly, Hayasaka interrupted him.

Ai: They have to know.

Akio: What? You were the one who told we have to keep it in secret!

Subaru: Now I'm confused.

Mirin: She's right. Hayasaka, since we met, we were telling each others everything right?

Ai: I have to.

Akio: I cannot forbid you...

Hayasaka took a deep breath.

Ai: Until recently I was working as Kaguya's valet.

Mirin & Subaru: WHAT?!

Mirin: For how long?

Ai: Ten years.

Mirin & Subaru: WHAT?!

Ai: I'm so sorry I have lied to you... But I haven't got any choice.

Subaru: I think I get it... But what does this have to do with this man?

Ai: People who were trying to capture me in Kyoto were working for Oko Shinomiya, Kaguya's oldest brother.

Subaru: And?

Ai: It's all about Gan'an, Kaguya's father is really sick. He won't live for long, and Oko is about to take the control of Shinomiyas empire. He wants to manipulate Kaguya, and use her as a tool to build his position.

Mirin: Does she know about it?

Ai: No, and she can't. That's why we haven't told ANYONE.

Ai: The person you met was working for Oko. He want to get more info about Kaguya and president.

Mirin: Why?

Ai: To use this knowlage against her.

Akio: Listen, I know you have to tell them, but it's not a good place. You two, come to us after school. Here someone can be spying on us.

__________In The Apartment___________

It took a long time to explain, after all, there was a story going back ten years to be told. Though Mirin and Subaru had always stood for Hayasaka, now their faces were torn.

Subaru: I understand well? Shinomiya's family is even able to extort information about the president by force?

Ai: I'm afraid, yes.

Subaru: We have to call the police.

Akio: We can't, that's the whole problem.

Ai: He's right. Shinomiyas have their people everywhere. They are out of law.

Mirin: You saying they will continue to do such a things like today?

Ai: Only to people related to Kaguya or Miyuki. They tried with you becouse you are close to me, so they though you can know something.

Mirin: And we can't do anything?

Akio: What we can do against the most powerful family in Japan? Nothing I guess...

The voice broke a moment of silence

Ai: Well... I'm not sure you're right.

Mirin: ?

Subaru: ?

Akio: ?

Ai: We cannot prevent their actions, but we are able to reduce losses.

Subaru: What do you mean?

Ai: Mirin, you still run your blog right?

Mirin: Yes.

Ai: Record a video about this incident. But don't say the Shinomiyas are behind it. Subaru, Akio, you have to spread this out to as many people as possible.

Akio: How that's supposed to help?

Ai: Shinomiyas are very careful. If we can make a large-scale scandal out of it, they will stop. At least for a while.

Subaru: Why would they stop?

Ai: Because if someone found out that it was their doing, they would lose their influence. So they will stop attacks so as not to risk.

Akio: That's why I'm even afraid to play chess with you ... If you make such plans in real life, in the game you would crush me.

Mirin: That sounds like a plan!

Subaru: Pretty good one, as you ask me.

Ai: Just remember, don't tell Kaguya about what her family is up to. The consequences could be dire.

Subaru: Roger that!

Akio: Ok, everyone know what to do?

Mirin & Subaru: Yes.

Akio: So now we are beginning, our silent war with Shinomiyas.

_________Next Day At Shuchiin________

The propaganda campaign began, and at the end of the day the entire academy was talking about what happened yesterday. Not only that, Subaru's father notified the police. Of course, our four heroes knew that it was useless, but it always added publicity.

Although none of them could see what was happening in Shinomiya's main house, they predicted that their plan would work. And they were right.

____Kyoto- Shinomiyas Main House___

The thrown stool nearly hit the Shinomiya employee.


Employee: But Sir... I'm only provide information...


Oko: Eh... First that idiot allowed himself to get seen, then he's failing his mission, and now whole Tokyo is talking about that thing!

Employee: So... W-what will we do now Sir?

Oko: Thanks to him, my hands are tied ... We have to wait for this to be quiet. Damn it, everything was much simpler before Hayasaka turned on us.

Employee: Do you think that she's the one who knocked out our man?

Oko: That's not matter. The thing that matters is that I finally know what I wanted to know.

Employee: So, are we going to action?

Oko: No. Not yet. It's too loud now. Nobody cannot associate this incident with us. But when the matter is quiet - that's different. We need just to wait a little.

Oko went to the window and said:

Oko: Just a little more.

Hayasaka and Minoru: Love From Certain Point of ViewTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang