Chapter 4: Solving a mystery

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Akio pov.

Suprised by this situation I wasn't sure what to say. Girl's tone was really serious and firm. First, I need to know who I'm talking with.

- Ok, but who are you?

- I'm Mirin Hinokuchi.

- And I am Subaru Suruga.

Haven't heard of them. But they certainly know who I am. But lets's continue.

- So, what's going on?

- Let me take care of this.

Subaru said to her friend, and Mirin just nodded.

- We are Hayasaka's friends and we saw you were talking with Ai yesterday. After then she seemed really agitated. We want to know why, but let me assure you. If you hurted her you will regret it.

It seems that Hayasaka have really loyal friends. I just wanted to tell the truth.

- We were talking about...

But then I remembered that she asked me to keep everything I know secret. Even uf I don't know very much, so I said first thing that came to my mind.

- About... My... My current situation with uncle.

- What situation?

- I had to move to my uncle's house, and he is a real monster. But the good part is that just two months remains to my eighteen birthday and I will finally be able to move out.

- Why don't you live with your parents?

- Well... That's a long story...

That was a lie. Story is short and simple.

- We have time, just tell us. We're just worried about Ai.

Damn it. Well, there is no other way.

- They passed away few months ago in car accident...

Their reaction was predictable. Shock and compassion.

- Oh, that's so sad...

After a short silent I decided to ask for something.

- Actually, where is Hayasaka? I haven't seen her since then.

- She wrote to us that she couldn't come today because of a part-time job. It's kind of weird, she's always busy after school, and the same as on weekends.

- Ok, see you later...

It's starting to be weird. She don't want to talk about her relation with Kaguya and she's always busy... I know I shouldn't, but I have to check it out. If Ai don't want to tell me truth then Shinomiya won't do it either. Mayby someone close to Kaguya... President! He has to know something.
At next morning I headed to student council room.

Knock Knock...

- Opened!

President cried from inside, and I walked in.

- Morning!

- Oh, Minoru! What you're doing here?
Have you changed your mind about joining us?

He won't give up right? Well, never mind.

- No, I'm still against this idea. I wanted to ask about something.

- Sure, how may I help you?

- You're close to Shinomiya so...

- I'm not close with her, why do you think like this?

Of course... Serious man in a serious position and behaves like a child. I need to focus.

- Don't lie to me, I know that you are a couple.

- Ishigami told you?

- Not just him, but let's get back to the topic. You are close to Shinomiya, so I thought you may help me with something. There's a friend of Kaguya that I'ma little worried about. I asked her what's going on, but she just made an excuse.

- If she didn't tell you the truth, she probably has a reason.

- I know but just tell me, do you know Hayasaka?

-How was her name?

- Ai Hayasaka.

He seemed confused and he thought for a moment.

- Are you sure that you pronounced the name correctly?

- Yes, I'm absolutely sure.

- Than no... I know Haysaca A. Smithee, but I never heard of Hayasaka.

That's suspicious. This names are almost the same... Still unsure, I asked:

- Do you have aby pictures of her?

- I can show you her profile icon... Here!

The girl on picture looked familiar. Just add a pony tail, and she would look like Hayasaka's twin.

- Do you know her well?

- We met few times, but since I'm with Shinomiya I haven't seen her.

- What's her relation with Kaguya?

- She told me that she work's part-time as her maid.

I heard a clock in my head. Part time job, close to Kaguya, mayby that girl on picture... It's crazy but seemes possible.

- Thanks, that's all I wanted to know.

I ran out from the room. I have to talk with her. This time honestly. I searched the entire school, butthe building was too big. After ten minutes of running around I noticed that I can just message her. I wrote:

- We need to talk. Quickly!

Soon I got a reply:

- Umm... Ok, lets's meet near to the maple outside.

I got there immediately. Ai arrived about two minutes later.

- What's that important deal? Is something wrong?

- I want to know... Who are you.

- What do you mean?

I pulled out my phone and showed her the picture of Haysaca Smithee.

- Please be honest with me this time. I'll ask only once, and I will belive you whatever you'll say... Are you an employee of Shinomiya family?
She was shocked. She looked once at the photo, sometimes at me. Then she replied:

- Good job detective... But you are not absolutely right.

- So? What is the truth?

- Listen carefully... It's a really long story.

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