Chapter 10: Semblance of normality in the big web

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Kaguya and Miyuki were coming down the Shuchiin hall, talking about the things that have happened in Kyoto and sudden metamorphosis of Ai.

Miyuki: That's good to hear. If you want you can take day off and go spend time with Hayasaka.

Kaguya: No, it's fine. We've got all time in the world now.

They haven't realised that someone has secretly eavesdropping their conversation.

Akio to himself: They look so happy... It's sad that hard time is coming near...
I wish I could tell them, or stop whole this madness.

___________Meanwhile Outside ________

Mirin: That's horrible what happened! What they wanted from you???

Subaru: Yeah, you haven't told us why those strange people were chasing you.

Hayasaka didn't want to lie to her friends, but she also knew, that she have no choice.

Ai: I don't know, I think they were just a thugs that wanted to rob me...

Mirin: Maybe, but why police haven't done anything?

Subaru: Mirin, you know that most of them are too lazy. Our law enforcement is not really effective.

Subaru: Anyway, since when are you friend with Kaguya Shinomiya? She was talking about you like she knew you for years.

Mirin: Exactly, why haven't you told us?

Seeming calm outside, Hayasaka barely was able to get a single word out.

"Damn, It won't be easy to wriggle out from this." She thought.

___________On Next Break_____________

Hayasaka was sitting on the shade of big maple- favorite place to hang out with Mirin and Subaru. Also this was a place where she told Akio the truth about herself and her "alter ego's".
Her friends couldn't be with her right now, so she was enjoing some time only with herself. It was so peaceful and calm around that she almost fell asleep. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice behind her that she hadn't heard in a long time.

???: Ai Hayasaka.

Ai: Huh?

She turned around and couldn't belive her eyes.

A fairly tall, dark-haired Chinese stood in front of her.

Ai: Yundi?!

She met Yundi when they were kids. She was just six when old friends of her parents had visited them, with their only son. Hayasaka's and Yundi's parents met during her mother's delegation in China.

Ai: What are you doing here?

Yundi: I'm here as a transfer student.
When I heard that you're also at Shuchiin, I had to find you.

Ai: Do glad to see you again!

Yundi: Pleasure is all at my side.

As child of noble pair, he was the perfect example of a man brought up in the higher classes. Despite this, he was always very nice to "commoners".

However, he had an interesting gift. Involuntarily, he was so charming that the girls could never resist him, interestingly because he had never been in any relationship. Although Ai only looked at him as a friend, she didn't even realize when she invited him to her place after school.

In Hayasaka's head:

"Wait... Oh man! I forgot that I live with Akio! Maybe he won't be mad..."

Hayasaka knew that Akio was always really nice, but inviting visitors to HIS apartment, when she lives there for few days?

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