Chapter 5: Behind the mask

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Hayasaka pov.

When Akio showed me a picture of me in Haysaca-chan mode, I was terrified! He was the only one able to see through my cover, if more people would know about it then there would be a disaster! Ok, ok, calm down... I have no other choice than tell him the truth.

- I'm not an employee of Shinomiya family... I am their servant. My family was serving to the Shinomiyas for generations, so when I turned seven years old, I was assigned as Kaguya's valet. We grew up together so I'm trying my best, but it's not easy. When she was trying to fotce president to confess to her, almost every day she was giving me almost impossible task's. I thought it will get better when they started dating, but now it's even worse. The girl on picture is me, when I was hiding my true identity from president. That's one of my fake personalities...

His face was thoughtful. After a while he asked:

- One? You have more of them?

- Honestly, yes. Right now I have four:
Maid mode, is the one I'm using at Shinomiya's house. Second - the school version, the one you are now talking with. That one from picture is Haysaca  Chan, to hide from president, and there's a Haysaca-kun, mode I'm using when Fujiwara visits Kaguya - my only male personality.

Again, he was thinking for few seconds. I expected to see anger or disgust on his face, but it wasn't. Instead, his expression was full of understanding and then he said something I didn't expect.

- Amazing... I'm sure no one would be able to live like this... But let me ask a question. Which of this personalities is the real you?

I couldn't answer. I was still shocked that he really understand me! Also I-

- You don't know?

Damn him, he really can read my mind. I just nodded my head to say "yes". Then he continued.

- So you've never been yourself for the whole ten years ... But I think I understand how you feel. Your whole life is about Kaguya, twenty-four hours a day... But let me tell you something. Life is like a book.

- Book?

I don't know what he's up to, but I'll listen to what he wants to say.

- Yes, empty book. A story you are writing. You decide how the fates of your character will go. That's why you feel bad. The pen is not in your hand, but it should be. You can't just quit this job?

- It's not that easy, besides... Kaguya is like a sister to me. Mayby she is annoying, but I wouldn't leave her alone.

- So you will sacrifice your whole life to her? And never think about yourself? You sholdn't, trust me. You can only go crazy with this state of affairs...

God, he is right... What should I do?

- I... I need some time to think about it... But I always thought that nobody would understand me... Thank you.

I threw myself on his neck out of gratitude. After a while he stroked my hair and said:

- Remember, you are the strongest person on the world... Nobody would be able to handle that... Don't worry, I will not tell anyone.

Subaru pov.

Me and Mirin were hiding behind the building wall, and we watched their entire meeting.

- You hear anything?

- I would, if you'll be silent.

No matter how much I tried I just couldn't hear them, I just saw that they are hugging.

- So, what do you think?

- I'm sure he's not an enemy. She obviously trust him. Wait, they're coming! Run!

Quickly but silently, w runned away to the building. It was so close...

----------------In the evening--------------------

Kaguya pov.

When we came back home, I saw that Hayasaka is acting kinda weird. She didn't say a word all evening, and when I asked what had happened, she didn't even look up. She said in school that she Minoru want to talk with her... Mayby he hurt her? I should have a word with him, I'm really worried about Hayasaka.

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