Chapter 11: My heart belongs to you (Part 2)

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Although the day of lovers had passed peacefully in previous years, that day the Shuchiin Academy was like an anthill. Students handed out chocolates to their friends and sweethearts, and the corridors seemed to be louder than usual.

There was one thought in Hayasaka's mind:

"First Yundi acts like possessed, and now he wants to say something important ... What's going on?"

She was walking at a brisk pace, there was one more important thing to do before meeting Yundi. She was holding a box of handmade chocolates intended for someone very important to her. Not that she had feelings for Miyuki, she just wanted to thank him for his help and support.

"There he is!"

Kaguya didn't mind, her jealousy is over (at least for Ai).

_________Other Side Of Academy______

Akio had never been so nervous ... But he knew that if he didn't do it now, he won't do it at all.

Then Chika came out around the corner

Chika: OH! There you are! How's your test?!

Akio: Sorry, I can't talk now!

He tried to go on, but to no avail.

Chika: Come on! I have to know! My whole career depends on the results of your test.

Akio: Chika, for God's sake. I promise I'll tell you everything later, see you!

He started running forward.

Chika: Yep. He is in love. I'm a goddamn genius.


Ai gave her chocolates to president, as she planned. Now it's time to meet Yundi.


Akio couldn't find Hayasaki. If it weren't for the fact that she was out while he was still asleep, he would have done it at home.

Desperate, he went to the council room.

Akio: Miyuki!

???: The president is not here.

Akio: Iino? It's you?

Miko: Someone has to do the work while the rest take care of all those hearts.

Akio: Are you alone here? On Valentine's Day?

Miko: Yes.

Akio: Well ... It's sad.

Akio: Anyway, do you know where Hayasaka is? It's very important.

Miko: I think it's there.

Miko pointed out the window.

Akio runned to the window and saw Hayasaka, she walked along the school yard.

Akio to himself: Ok, I got time.

Miko: If it's about what what I think, you don't.

Akio: What do you mean?

Miko: Kaguya told me that this whole Yundi messeged to her, to ask about Hayasaka's relationship's. Rumor's are saying that he want to confess to her.

Akio: Oh god.

One second later he was far away. Then Ishigami came in.

Ishigami: You told him?

Miko: Yes.

Ishigami: I hope he will make it.

Miko: I don't know him too well, but I wish him luck.

Ishigami: If he is fast enough, he won't need luck.

_____________At School Yard___________

In Akio's head:

" There she is! Come on, come on, come on!"

As Hayasaka turned to face him, he grabbed her hand.

Akio: Hayasaka, I need to...

Ai: It's bad moment. We'll talk later.

Akio: It can't wait!

Ai: Sorry, Yundi is waiting for me.

Akio: I know what he wants. You need to listen to me first.

Ai: Not now...

She walked away. Akio passively whispered:


He saw Yundi approach her ... He didn't know if he would prefer to hear their conversation.

Hayasaka pov.

Yundi: Listen...

Ai: Yes?

Yundi: Since I met you, so many years ago, there wasn't an single day that I haven't think about you.
Ai Hayasaka, I loved you, I love you, and I will love you.

Ai: Yundi...

Yundi: Please, just say yes, and I promise, that I'll make sure that you will never be harmed again.

Ai: ...

Ai: You always was really dear to me... But you are wrong.

Yundi: Huh?

Ai: You're wrong saying I will never be harmed again. I don't want anybody to protect me. Harm is an integral part of life, and if we had never suffered, we would have underestimated the value of our daily lives.
Your determination and affection are very strong, it's hard to find someone so faithful ... But you do terrible things with good intentions. By provoking Akio, you didn't see that you were hurting me too ... Spreading rumors about him, it hurt me too ...

Yundi: ...

Ai: Love is important, and to be honest, I also had feelings for you once ... But I realized that just feeling is not enough. The feeling of understanding and devotion ... This is what I miss when I am with you. I don't want to hurt you, but there's only one person who gives me this ... And it's not you ...

____Three Extremely Long Minutes___

Akio was kneeling on the ground, rubbing his head from the excess of emotions. Suddenly he felt a touch on his shoulder.

Ai: Hey...

Hayasaka crouched down in front of him and pressed her forehead against his.

Ai: Stand up... It's good.

Slowly standing up, Akio couldn't get a word out. With difficulty he whispered:

" You're here..."

Ai hugged him and he quickly hugged her back.

Ai: When had you realised about it?

Akio: I was not sure for few weeks... It hitted me yesterday.

Ai: You noodle...

Ai: I knew it since we met.

Akio: You knew that I?...

Ai: Yes.

Akio: So... You too?

Ai: To death.

Before he could answer, he felt her lips touch. He hugged her tightly and kissed her back. And from around the corner came Ishigami's soft voice:

"Good job man."
And so, Hayasaka and Minoru began their journey together. But you don't think it's over, right? We will get to know the rest of this story in next chapter of:

Hayasaka and Minoru: Love From Certain Point Of View

Hayasaka and Minoru: Love From Certain Point of ViewDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora