Chapter 12: They will not leave them alone

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____Two days after Valentines day____

The interplanetary battle was in full swing, and two commandos began infiltrating the enemy cruiser.

Commando 1: We have to hurry!

Commando 2: Right behind you!

Having fought their way to the ship's reactor, they began posting a plasma bomb designed to destroy the ship.

Commando 2: Dude, cover me!

Two garrisons of enemy drones started firing, and our heroes struggled to survive.

Commando 2: Bomb placed! Let's get out of here!

As they escaped from the deck, explosions of flames engulfed the ship from the inside, slowly catching up with the two soldiers.

Commando 1: To the fighters!

Commando 2: The hangar is locked!

Commando 1: I told you to deactivate power in this sector!

It was too late. The cruiser exploded, devouring them.

------------------GAME OVER---------------------

Ishigami fell to the sofa.

Ishigami: Dude, how many times we have to repeat the same mission. How you could forgot to cut the power again!

Akio: There was too many of them! We had to run!

Ishigami: I see there is a lot of hard work ahead for us before you will be a pro player...

Akio: I was trying my best, be nice.

Ishigami: Back to the topic, how are you with Hayasaka?

Akio: I won't tell you anything.

Ishigami: But why?

Akio: Becouse you already know everything.

Ishigami: What?!

Akio: I may not be the brightest, but I saw you following me that day. And I saw you walk into the council room right after I left, which suggests you were eavesdropping.

Ishigami: Uhh... No?

Akio: It's ok. But one question, why?

Ishigami: I just wanted to make sure you will not mess it up. No offense, but you couldn't end up like me.

Akio: Stop it already, you will find someone.

Ishigami: I'm not lucky in that whole "heart things".

Akio: Your time will come too.

_________In Shinomiya Mansion_______

Kaguya and Ai were sitting on the bed talking about various things. Young Shinomiya, as usual, buried her friend in stories about her relationship with the president. This time, however, Hayasaka did not feel jealous. It was an interesting change after so many years.

Kaguya: But let's talk about you, people say something happened between you and Akio.

There was a lot of excitement in her voice.

Ai: What have you heard?

Kaguya: Ishigami told me he saw you behind the school, he said that was like a movie scene!

Ai: Gonna kill him.

Kaguya: Oh, come on, you can be honest with me! So how was it?

Ai: It was nothing like a movie. But in best way.

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