Chapter 17: The way of lie

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-Akio- I think I don't get it... How could a marriage end this war? And who is getting marrie... Wait... YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT KAGUYA?!

-Masato- Don't yell. And yes, I am. It's litrally a political marriage.

-Akio- Like in middle age? Who will she have to marry?

-Masato- There are a few candidates, sadly I don't know who are they. For sure we are talking about someone from Shijo family.

-Akio- It's gross! And against human rights!

-Masato- Shinomiyas are writing their own law. And Kaguya will agree to do it if Oko will order her to. If he will become a head of Shinomiyas empire, all will be lost. That's why I'm talking to you. I can't do anything officially, but Ai is no longer under Shinomiyas. Tell her that it will begain soon. She have to be ready. And please look after her. She won't give up, but i'm worried about her...

-Akio- *sigh* Don't worry sir. I'll do my best.

-------------------Later in home-----------------

-Ai- So time is short... Happily I prepared well through all this years serving Shinomiyas.

Her voice didn't fit her speech at all. Hayasaka looked different than usual. That was first time Akio saw her being accually scared.

-Akio- If you are so certain about it, why you look so worried?

-Ai- That's what happens when you are dating a psychic. You really see everything?

-Akio- Just spit it out.

-Ai- It's not about Kaguya, it's about me. Me and drama club.

-Akio- Drama club? Since when you have something with theater?

Hayasaka rolled her eyes frustrated.

-Ai- Since never. But president of club is trying to convince me to join them. She heard of my "acting skills".

-Akio- I thought that the fact you can be four person at once was still a secret.

-Ai- It's becouse of Mirin. Her friend asked her why I'm acting so different after Kyoto. She sucks at lying so she told her that I'm practicing to act school and trying to look like different person. And now the rumor has grown in strength and president of drama club belived in it too.

-Akio- What's the problem here? You are really good at acting.

-Ai- That's not it. Since that day I promised myself I will never pretend again.

-Akio- So nothing stops you.

-Ai- I just said that-...

-Akio- Listen. Pretending and acting are two totally different things. One actor once said: "If you are trying to convince someone that you are someone else, your pretending. But acting is when you accually are someone else".

-Ai- What's the difference?

-Akio- See, at that moment when you are acting, you are not yourself. You are not trying to be like a character you need to play. You ARE that character. You don't think like yourself, you think like other person. If you pretend, it's a lie, if you act, that's an art.

-Ai- I don't think I understood everything, but the point is that I just want to be myself. All my life I was forced to be someone else. From the other hand, it would look weird if I'll refuse. I don't know what to do...

-Akio- Honestly, you should try it.

-Ai- Huh?

-Akio- You are talented in this, if you wont try, it would be such a waste.

Few silent seconds later

-Ai- All right... I will try, but you have to go with me.

-Akio- What? Me?

-Ai- It's still difficult to me, so I need a support. Both or none.

-Akio- Okey, if that's for you I'll do it. But remember that if I will be lame at it, it's all your fault. Which means, you can't pretend you don't know me.

-Ai- You would never embarece me.

He stared at her seriously

-Ai- I mean you would with no problem, but that's not the point. With you I'm ready for anything.

-Akio- Aw... That's so so sweet!

-------------------The Next Day-------------------

Both Ai and Akio stand before drama club door.

-Akio- So? You're ready?

She nodded slowly.

-Akio- Let's go.

He grabbed her hand and they entered the room.

Since that day at Kyoto Hayasaka has been scared of pretending. All those years of lies resulted in trauma that is blocking her skills of acting. She may be afraid now, but soon a new gates will open for her. It will be her choice to enter them or to stay outside. One is certain: soon she will move on.

------------------Author's Note-------------------

Hi, it's me again. I know that there was a long break between chapters (again) but there was some real life stuff I had to do. I can't promiese that next chapter will come soon, but you can be sure it will come. I definitly will continue this story, but becouse of personal stuff i can't spend much time writing it.  
So, that's all for now, hope we'll meet again in next chapter.

Hayasaka and Minoru: Love From Certain Point of ViewWhere stories live. Discover now