Chapter 16: Ally in hiding

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---------------Small Dinner Place--------------

There was only two customers in the local. Chief was cooking some meal, and customers talked about their business.
                      *Door opens*
-Akio- Hey Ryota! Usuall please.

-Chief- One beef stake? Roger that. Take a seat Akio.

When he passed the two men, he heard them whispered:

-???#1- He said Akio... Do you think that's him?

-???#2- Well, maybe. But I imagined someone a bit... Taller.

-In Akio's mind- They are talking about me... Who are they? I will sit close to them and listen.

-Chief- Here's your steak.

-Akio- Thanks Ryo...

-Akio *whisper*- Who are those men?

-Chief- ...

-Chief- We'll talk later.

About twenty minutes later strangers left, and Chief Ryota came to Akio's table.

-Chief- They were waiting here for you, i guess. They asked me about you before you came.

-Akio- What did you tell them?

-Chief- They said they are your cousins. But that was obvious lie, I know you only have uncle in Japan. They asked when are you usually coming. So I told them that you should be here soon.

-Akio- Who the hell are they?

-Chief- I don't know, but there is a thing. I heard they were talking about someone. I remembered the name, it was "Ai". Do you know some like that?

-Akio- What they told about her?

-Chief- You know that I'm old and half deaf. It's a miracle that I even heard that name.

-Akio- She can be in danger...

-Chief- Who?

-Akio- Ai.

-Chief- Well, I have no idea what are you talking about, but if you want to follow them, you should hurry.

-Akio- You're right, thanks Ryo. See you later

-Chief- Take care.

Akio runned out of restaurant, but couldn't see them anywhere. He walked few steps and saw a dark alley.

-Akio- Eh... Here we go again.

When he entered the alley, a one of men came out from behind him.

-???- Welcome Minoru.

-Akio- You are not the first one who Shinomiyas sent after me.

-???- You are wrong. Yes, I am working for Shinomiya family, but I'm not here becouse of them. 

-Akio- So who are you, and what it suppose to be?

The men taken off his glasses, and walked closer.

-???- Im Masato Hayasaka. Ai's father.

Then Akio finally realised, that the creepy men is not his enemy. But he was not sure how he should behave in front of his girlfriend's father.

-Akio- Huh... Sorry about that... Nice to meet you sir.

-Masato- Don't waste time for it, let's get to the point.

-Akio- All right. Im listening.

-Masato- I know about your relationship with my daughter. Neo told me about you. I was keeping an eye on you, and I have to say that Im impressed.

-Akio- Impressed by what?

-Masato- By you. You are so young, yet you could outsmart Shinomiyas, and even was so brave to refuse Oko's proposition. Tell me, why have you done it?

-Akio- Isn't that obvious? That men is the couse of almost ten years of Ai's pain. I love her, and I would never let him harm her again.

-Masato- And what are you two planning to do?

-Akio- Is this true what Ai said? That Kaguya Shinomiya is in danger becouse of her brother?

-Masato- It is.

-Akio- Than we will do anything to safe her. We wouldn't leave our friends in such situation.

-Masato- You don't even know what is going to happen!

-Akio- Then tell me. I know that you are Kaguya's father's secretary. You have to know.

-Masato- Indeed, Oko told me. War between Shinomiyas and Shijos is going to came to its critical point soon. When Gan'an will pass away Oko will use his sister to end this war.

-Akio- How?

-Masato- With... Marriage.

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