Chapter 14: Enemy of our enemy

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A week and a half after the incident in the alley, the Shinomiya group no longer harassed students. Publicizing the case really gave the expected result.

Akio and Hayasaka were finally able to spend more time together, although in the back of their minds they still had a vision of what was to come. However, something unexpected happened that evening.

Akio was just walking down a dark street. Before returning home, he intended to go to the flower shop to buy a bouquet for Ai. It was supposed to be their first official date. However, two men in dark suits stood in his way. Minoru quickly realized that he was facing Shinomiya employees.

-Akio- Well, well... The return of the Men in Black?

-Man#1- Our master wants to talk to you.

-Akio- But I don't think I want to talk with that scum.

-Man#1- You impudent snot! You're talking about the most...

-Man#2- Calm down. And about you young man, our orders are clear. We will bring you to our master even by force.

Akio hesitated for a moment. But he knew that he could neither defend himself nor escape.

-Akio- So let's see what he wants.

It's hard to believe, but Oko was waiting not in mansion in Kyoto but in a VIP restaurant not that far away. Akio gained confidence, after all, they wouldn't hurt him in a public place where there were so many people.

-Oko- Ah! So we can meet at last... Let me introduce myself...

-Akio- I know who you are and what have you done. What you want from me?

-Oko- Well, that was rude... But I can forgive you this.

-Akio- Why am I here?

Oko was sitting on the sofa, leaning on it with his arms outstretched and his legs folded on top of each other.

-Oko- For a long time you were an obstacle for me. But you see... We can help each other.

-Akio- Help you? Never. You are responsible for the misfortune that befell Ai.

-Oko- Ah! Young Hayasaka... She was useful until that day. Listen. We are on opposite sides, true. But there is a third one. An enemy of both, me and you. The person who ordered to kidnap Hayasaka in Kyoto.

-Akio- Un'yo... I thought you two are getting along.

-Oko- No. He is looking for a way to take my place. And place of our father after his death. I was not happy when Hayasaka turned against me, but I would not harm her.

-Akio-  Why would I believe you?

-Oko- You don't have to. But that is the true.

-Akio- So what do you want?

-Oko- I offer you a deal. You're a smart boy, and Un'yo doesn't know anything about you. What if you went to work for him under a false name? I'd get you the papers, and you'd put him out of the game?

-Akio- And why would I do that?

-Oko- I can promise that my people will stay away from you and your little girlfriend.

Akio frowned.

-Akio- Do you think I'm an idiot? Your people can't do anything to us becouse the media is watching you. Secondly, I'd rather stick my finger in a pencil sharpener than help you. You want to destroy Kaguya's life, use her only to satisfy your own greed. You're just as much of a bastard as Un'yo... It's an end of this conversation.

He turned away and left the restaurant.

-Oko- We shall see...

Akio arrived home an hour later. He deliberately walked the long way so as not to encounter any more surprises.

-Ai- There you are!

Hayasaka was standing in the entrance. Behind her was a carefully prepared dinner (she always had a talent for cooking). But her face showed uncertainty.

-Ai- Where have you been? What take you so long?

-Akio- A meeting.

-Ai- With who?

-Akio- With... Kaguya's brother.

-Ai- What?! How it happened?!

-Akio- Sit down, I'll tell you everything.

The evening was long, but it was not same as both of them expected.

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