Chapter 21: Twilight upon Shinomiya

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Night went quickly for Akio. Too tired to stay awake he fell asleep a moment after entering his room. Yesterdays events seemed like a weird dream and he barely remembered any details.

Once he stand up, as always he headed to kitchen.

-Yundi- Morning!

Oh, right... That wasn't a dream.

-Akio- H-hey...

He tried to avoid eye contact with Yundi. Who is he now? An enemy? A friend? Something between?

-Yundi- As stubborn as always?

His sarcastic sayings made it clear.

-Akio- And you are as cheeky as always.

-Yundi- Oh, come on! Haven't I proofed that I care about her?

-Akio- I admit. You are on our side, but don't get the wrong idea, we are not friends.

-Yundi- Fine, but you should trust me more.

-Akio- We'll see where it ends. For now let's get ready, Ai and Miyuki should be on their way in a few minutes.

___________In Council Room___________

Yundi walked his way after entering the building. Perhaps it was too difficult for him to look in Hayasaka's eyes after all what happened.

As soon as he could Akio walked straight to the council room to meet his friends and above all, make sure Ai is alright. But inside he saw everyone except the two he wanted to see. Miko and Ishigami were sitting on  the couch, in in front of Fujiwara. Pink-haired catastrophe was crying louder than any time before. Something was not right...

-Iino- Huh?! Oh, its you...

-Akio- What are those faces? Have I missed something?


-Akio- What? Who?

Miko cuddled Chika and tried to calm her down. Yu stood up and taken deep breath.

-Ishigami- Don't tell Prez... We got call from Shinomiya, she will never come back here...


-Akio- W-what?! What she said??

-Ishigami- Not much... But she told us that her family business makes her return impossible.

-Akio- He knows?

-Iino- No. Just us...

-Akio- Where is he?

_______________On Roof________________

Hayasaka was listening to the situation. First Miyuki got a phone call, which made him fall apart. Then a famillar man appeared. What was Kaguya's middle brother. He gave something to President and left.

Ai heard that he agreed to break up with Kaguya in exchange for one billion yen. She entered the roof with tears in eyes and started to yell at him.
In answer President started laughting in great happines.

-Ai- Huh?

His laughter turned into words. And words gave hope.

___________In Council Room___________

When Hayasaka and President entered the room they started their speech. Shirogane wanted to use his gained money to take Kaguya back. All they needed was a good plan.
Everyone in room had some ideas, but it all was clear when Maki Shijo entered the council.

____________Authors Note______________

Its me again! Sorry for short chapter, but its like a preview to next ones.
Anyway next few chapters will be closely connected to Kaguya Sama manga. If you haven't read it all, do this before continue reading this story or it you'll be easy to confuse. I just don't want to write again same things that were showed in manga.
Hope you will have fun reading my favorite Aka Akasaka's work!

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