Chapter 18: Just act as always

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-Akio- Let's go.

He grabbed her hand and they entered the room.

-Miyuki- Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?

Both Ai and Akio were suprised to see someone as "artistically untalented" as him in drama club.

-Akio- Well, we are going to join the club... Don't tell me you also want to do it?

-Miyuki- You are kidding right? You now that I suck in such a things. Just doing student council stuff in here. I really wished you joined us back then.

-Akio- Prez, I'm not an idiot. You offered me to join council on function that doesn't even exist in this school. Besides you told me that there were "other candidates" and you haven't recruited anyone.

-Miyuki- Sorry for that thing... The principal told me to do it. But you would take care of our general affairs.

-Akio- Just give up, no means no.

During their conversation none of them saw that Hayasaka was really quiet.

-Akio- Guess we have to go, see you later!

-Miyuki- Bye guys!

President walked his way and our protagonists entered the room. When they came inside, a stranger girl came to them. She was higher than both Ai and Akio. Her hair were dark-blue and pretty long.

-???- So glad you decided to join us Hayasaka! Oh, and who is your friend?

-Ai- That's Akio, kinda my boyfriend. Akio, meet Misaki Kita. She's the president of the club.

-Misaki- So nice to meet you Akio, you want to join us too?

-Akio- Well yes... But I have to asure you that I'm not good actor, honestly terrible.

-Misaki- Nonsense, we will teach you! Actually we need someone like you, cuz one of characters in our new play is an albino, so it really fits you!


-Akio- I- I'm not an albino you know? True, I have an unusual hair colour but I'm really NOT an albino.

-Misaki- Oopsie! Sorry for that...

She scrathed back of her head nervously.

-Misaki- Anyway I think you would like playing this character, follow me guys, you'll meet rest of our squad.

Akio was about to go, but he saw Hayasaka standing still.

-Akio- What's wrong?

-Ai- Just... Still wondering I should do it.

-Akio- Come on, no need to worry. Misaki seems nice and I already feel the optimistic aura of this club. Just don't mind the past and have fun!

-Ai- Maybe you are right, let's look who we have here.

----------In the Evening at Home------------

-Ai- Gosh, that was really exhounting day...

-Akio- But did you like it?


-Akio- Come on, I saw you hanging with others. I saw your face when talking with them.

A few tears dropped off her face

-Akio- You're alright?

-Ai- I-It was amazing d-day...

-Akio- So why are you crying?

-Ai- For t-the first time s-since so long... They really c-cared about me... Finally someone... A-accepted me without p-pretending...

-Akio- It's great feeling right? You don't need to fake yourself around good people.

-Ai- Thank you for forcing me...

----------Next Day, Council Room------------

-Akio- I'm here guys, why you called me?

All of them: President, Ishigami, Iino and even Chika were silent.
That was the moment when Akio saw the title on TV screen:

21 members of Shinomiya group arrested.

-Akio- Holy crap...

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