Chapter 19: Zero hour

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TV screen showed terrible information, every word of it seemed to be worse than previous.
"21 members of Shinomiya group arrested."

-Akio- Holy crap...

-Ishigami- Nothing more to be said...

-Chika- I'm so worried about Kaguya... She haven't been here since few days!

All were loud but one person in that room was more silent than it should be.

-Akio- Prez? You're alright?

President closed his fists and screamed:


-Akio- Hey relax!

-Miyuki- Relax??!! You haven't seen the screen?!

Ishigami grabbed Presidents shoulders and looked at him.

-Ishigami- Akio is right. Nerves wont help here.

-Miyuki- Maybe, but all I see are those people from Shinomiyas who picked her from school!

-Chika- I'm scared too, but right now we can't do anything. Let's hope she will finally answear her phone...

It was not possible to focus in council room for rest of the day. But when Akio has left the building he realised that he haven't seen Ai today.

-Akio- And where are you...

He said looking into sky.

----------------In the apartment----------------

Akio walked around the room for half of hour waiting for Hayasaka to return. Time she was supposed to be back has long passed.

*Opening Door*

-Akio- !!!

He ran to the door and saw Hayasaka.

-Akio- Where were you?! Kaguya...!

-Ai- I know everything, but now we have to talk, we have no time.

-Akio- Talk about what?

-Ai- Listen, I met Un'yo today.

-Akio- Wha...

-Ai- Let me finish. He told that President might be on danger. Oko knows about him and Kaguya. He might do something to him.

-Akio- You are saing that this whole thing with marriage were truth?

-Ai- Yes. My father was right. Anyway Un'yo might be a scum but he is only one of her family that really loves Kaguya. He also is worried.

-Akio- Yea, sure. Have you forgotten about Kyoto?

-Ai- I know... But now we have same enemy. Anyway, he hired me as a bodyguard for Miyuki.

-Akio- Well... That was unexpected.

-Ai- I need to stay with him 24 hours per day, so for now I have to move to him.

That was a little shock for Akio.

-Akio- You... Are moving out?

-Ai- Only for some time, besides President lives really close, you can even see his door from our window.

-Akio- Yes, but... I'm also worried about you.

-Ai- I know that whole this thing seems horrible but Kaguya is like a sister to me. I will not abandon her.

-Akio- But you will return to me, right?

-Ai- I promise. Now i have to go, Miyuki is waiting outside, I'll just grab a few things.

Moments later the door closed behind Hayasaka and Akio stand alone in living room. He ran to the window and saw President entering his building with her.

-Akio- I miss you already...

-----------------Two hours later-----------------

Almost whole this time Akio keept staring though the window. The fact that both of them were in danger was making him crazy.

-Akio- Is that possible that Shinomiyas really will send a hitman after him? Hold him hostage or even kill him??


He grabbed a tennis ball lying on windowsill and throwed it with furious scream. But he screamed even louder when ball bounced back and hitted his face.

-Akio- GOD DAMN IT!!

He rubbed his eye out of pain.

Then he heard the door bell. He ran as fast as he could and opened the door. His face turned pale when he saw a famillar face.

-Yundi- Hello.

Few next seconds was filled by deep silence.

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